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Previously: Suddenly, there was the whoosh of wings and two men stood before me in suits.

"You need to come with us. Now."

With that, a black sack was shoved over my head and I was knocked unconscious.

When I came to, I wasn't in Bobby's house. Something smelled like bleach, but not like someone had spilled something on the crystal, white carpet. More like someone had tried to clean up blood.

I came to the realization that I had only on layer of clothes on:

My underwear.

In my most vulnerable clothing, but not chained up; that's interesting.

The door swung open and I tried in vain to over myself with my hands. A man with short blonde hair. He smiled at me, "Oh, you're finally awake." He said politely.

I peered out from behind the white chair perched in the corner, where I had taken refuge. The man wore a gray suit with a navy blue tie. He was bending over a white table that held a white pitcher and two clear glasses on a silver plate.

"Where am I?" I asked in the same polite tone, yet with a shake in my voice.

He did not answer my question, but poured water from the white pitcher into the glasses and offered me one, "Go on, it's just water. I don't want to hurt you."

Tentatively, I took the glass from him but did not take a drink.

"I have your clothes for you. We took the liberty of washing and drying them for you." The blonde haired man set my folded clothes next to my half-naked body and I put them on quickly.

I crept out from behind the chair, carrying the glass of water with me, "Who are you?" I asked. Maybe if he gave me his name, I could figure out where I am.

"My name is Zadkiel."

Zadkiel...angel... "Am I in Heaven?!" I asked incredulously.

Zadkiel nodded, "It took much effort to get a living being here. Castiel has done it before, but it had costs on his grace." Zadkiel turned away from something on a long table and looked at me, "You know Castiel, don't you?"

I nodded.

"Why am I here? I promise, I don't know about the prophesy. I don't even know what it says!" I stammered.

"But you have heard of it, haven't you?" Another voice, a harsher one, called from the rafters. I finally noticed a white staircase, where another man (wearing another suit) walked down haughtily.

I trembled. I could practically sense the power radiating from the man on the stairs. Zadkiel moved between the man and me, protectively, "You can't touch her, Zachariah. We have rules."

"It seems you're right, Zadkiel. But, you know that those rules don't apply to me."

Zadkiel raised his voice, "Zachariah!"

With the sound of wings flapping, Zachariah disappeared.

Zadkiel turned back to me, "I am sorry we had to take you in such a manner, but we needed to make sure you were ready."

"What does that mean?!" I yelled at him, making him flinch. I felt my face heat up, but I didn't stop, "Everyone keeps saying that I'll be ready or talking about that fucking prophesy? But I don't even know what the damn thing says! Until I know that, you assholes are going to be shit out of luck because I'm not doing anything until you dicks show me what it says." I had never been this angry and I had never cussed that much.

Zadkiel sighed and sat down, gesturing for me to do the same, "The prophesy told that someone would come and that they would be the leader of us all."

"What's the problem with that?"

"The problem is, Hell received the same prophesy. The carvings on your ribs were supposed to signal whose side you were on. An even bigger issue is that one half of your ribcage says Heaven, while the other says Hell."

I rubbed my chest absently, "Why can't I just choose which side I lead?"

Zadkiel looked at me seriously," You are not in a state of mind to make that choice, Andrea. Your choice could seriously injure you."

"And why is that?" I said, with the rage of a thousand suns in my eyes.

"You will either turn into a Knight of Hell and save your father, or turn into an angel and save yourself, respectively."

My head pounded with all the information I had received, but one phrase stuck out, "Do you know what I'll be saving my father from?"

Zadkiel shook his head.

"But there is a catch to becoming a Knight of Hell-"

"I don't care. I'll do whatever it takes to save him, whether I know what is or not."

"Are you sure?"

I stood and nodded, "Of course."

Suddenly, Zadkiel grabbed my forearm roughly and light ignited in his veins and mine. It burned like fire and I winced, falling to my knees. I watched in horror, curiosity and pain as he changed into a gruff man with long hair and a large mark appeared my right arm.

The scene morphed from a white, carpeted room and back into Bobby's house, with the boys leaning over me, "Andie?!" Dean's rough and angered voice boomed.

Slowly, I sat up (with the help of Sam and Dean) and looked around.

Had I dreamed it all?

I looked down at my forearm and Sam's voice was quiet and awed as he spoke, "The Mark of Cain..."

Dean grabbed my shoulders gently and looked into my eyes, "Andie, where were you and what did you do?"

I know, im wayy late on this but here it is! This book is going to be one of a series, don't forget! I love you guys! Thnks fr th rds even though they weren't so great 

The Righteous Man's Daughter: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now