Chapter 11

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Daphne;s POV

i cant belive that i had done that what the hell was wrong with me why couldnt i jusst be normal for one minute, now ive gone and got myself into some deep crap and i barely even knew these people

i had ran all the way to the back of the house and lost Bo and ended up next to this massive indoor pool with a bunch of teenagers laughing and pushing each other under water

to say i was scared was an understatment

i slowly began to back away from the people afraid that they might try to hurt me, and that was the exact minutre that one of the boys in the pool playing the game chicken with his supposed girlfriend on his shoulders silenced the whole room and sniffed the air, it was enough to have me bolting out of there and back down the way that i came..... ,or i hope it i, as a mass of students from my school chased me down the corridor

just as i was about to turn a corner i ran straight nose first into a brick wall

"who puts a bloody wall in the middle of the corridor" i mumbled annoyed slightly that i keep on hurting myself

i looked up to see a pair of goldy brown eyes staring straight back at me

frightened, i swiftly turned the other way prepeard to sprint away from him as afar away as possible IF possible only for me to come face to face with the mass of students who had been chasing me

i whimpered away and they did the exact same as they noticed something or someone behind me i spun around only to once again come face to face with ...... Bo

they where all silent as Bo gave them the coldest glare that i had ever seen in my life and i would know trust me, i watched silently as i could almost feel the bond between all of them.

Bo looked like he was in some kind of inner termal with himself as he turned to the guy that had sniffed the air when i had walked into the pool room, seeing as he was leading the whole group of teens

" WHAT ARE ALL OF YOU DOING CHaSING YOUR NEXT ALPHA FEMALE AROUND THE WHOLE HOUSE LIKE A DEER TO THE SLUAGHTER" Bo boomed fuming with rage as he saw me slowly backing away from all of them, he gave me a hard stare effectivly freezing me in place before turning back to address the crowd of students but this time in a quiet yet deadly tone

they all seemed taken aback for a minute before cheers, smiles and a few jealous glares(from the females) where somewhat thrown my way from the congregation of students

in my head i was still trying to figure out what a alpha female is i know that it had something to do with wolves but thats impossible right i mean come on dont be silly what human in his right mind can tranform into a gigantic wolf whenever they want.

"SILENCE!" Bo shouted across the corridor causing all of them to jump including myself

" if i should ever catch, hear or even smell any of you disrespecting your next Luna ever again i will surely and slowly cut you slowly into small tiny pieces before feeding you to the rouges from Nebraska" he finished looking like he would most defiantly being serious

just remember that

not a threat.... a promise

the whole time he told them off i simply stood by his side making sure that we werent or wouldnt be touching in any way possible just in case i had another anxiety attack, i really dont feel like having to explain to my mum why i embarassed myself in front of half my student populatin.

i dont know about you but im alritte thanxz

Bo grabbed me and pulled me to his side causing me to take a sharp intake of breath scared that he was going to hit me as his hand raised by he only made gestures towards the crowd of teenagers

He snarled slightly when I flinched away from him afraid that he might hit me

smiling but not a nice one, kinda like an evil smile that always happens when people get an idea

"Is there something that you would all like to say to your LUNA" he emphasized the last word

What the hell is a Luna will someone please explain all of this nonsense to me because I don't know what the hell is going on

All of a sudden all of the students bowed down on one knee like when a guy proposes to his girlfriend and with their heads bowed they all said like a chant

"We are sorry alpha and alpha female please forgive us for our unspeakably rude behavior please allow us to show our regret by standing for a whole day in the town square with no food or drink and if it be we break this then let us die by the Alpha rule" they finished in a deathly tone

"You will do no such thing" I said in a whisper just about loud enough for them to hear

" you did nothing w-wrong as f-far as I'm concerned and about this whole alpha thing I don't know what is going on so could somebody please explain this to me ?" I questioned going back to my palm sweating and my stuttering once I saw the deathly look in Bo's eye

The boy that had sniffed the air stepped forward and when about to speak was silenced by a mighty growl that shook the windows and doors that stood in the corridor

The boy instantly cowered behind the group of people afraid to say anything,as I just looked up at Bo's face and saw such anger as his chest ad shoulders heaved up and down and his fists clenched tightly

I took four big steps away from him towards the students afraid that he might hurt me

I herd whispers coming from the crowd from manly voices

"He's going into alpha mode we have to protect the Luna , she's human and won't understand what is going on and with him in this state he could damn well hurt her without even realizing it "

I was grabbed backwards by a pair of familiar arms that upon investigation belonged to Ivy

" Daphne you have to come with me right now don't ask questions just follow me " she hurried dragging me towards the kitchen area

" wait-Ivy stop one second Bo he's In trouble w-what's happening to him??"

My question where left unanswered as I turned back my head to see Bo being

held down by at least 20 men maybe more as try where still even struggling slightly

Bo was convulsing on the ground strangely as he fought against all of the men that held him

As we rounded the corner I broke free from Ivy's hold on my arm and ran straight towards the living room and into my mothers arms

I didn't need All of this drama right now, why do these things always happen to me -was my last thought before I cried myself to sleep in my mothers arms again


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2014 ⏰

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