allisons story

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"Sawyer please, please no!" Allison curled into a ball, trying to protect herself. Sawyer laughed. "What was that slut?" He pulled back his leg and kicked her again. "You deserve this you filthy little whore. Your lucky I even stand you with all those ugly scars covering you, geez you couldn't even kill yourself right." He grabbed allison by the hair dragging her towards the kitchen counter where the cutlery was kept. "Here, let me help you do it properly." He pulled out one of the bigger knives and held it out to her. As if he were giving her the choice. But she had never had a choice and she knew it. She took the blade and put it to her wrist, he put his hand to hers the blade plunged down-


Allison sat up suddenly, tears pouring down her face , sobs wracking her body. She looked at her wrists, half expecting the knife to be sticking out.  it wasn't real. Just another nightmare. Another thing sawyer left behind. After taking so much, her friends, her self confidence, her virginity. It was only right he left something behind right? She laughed bitterly to herself. He left something alright, scars, nightmares,and the baby.Her hands went to her slightly bulging stomach. After  months of rape the inevitable had happened. That was when she got out. Now he was in prison and she was in ruins. Maybe she should just end it now. Save both her and her baby the pain of living. Sobs wracked her body anew. She was so confused. She wanted it to end. If only for a second.

Sleep was no longer an option. But a couple of handfuls of sleeping pills was. Once upon a time that would be all she needed to do it. Now she hesitated. This life was no longer just hers. She was thinking for two. She needed help. Now. She grabbed her phone off the desk, dialing a number given to her last year.

"Teen suicide hotline how can I help you?" A soothing voice answered the line. "Um hi I'm allison" allison took a steadying breath. " hi allison I'm violet. So why did you call in tonight?" The voice, violet, probed her on. "Well I was in an abusive relationship and I want to die cause of the scars and nightmares." This was the first time she had discussed this since the trial. Her tummy fluttered. "Don't commit suicide, one day you'll fall in love and it won't be abusive. For the nightmares count to sixty after you wake up. And talk to someone about the nightmares. You can always call and talk to me again" violet gently advised. "Thank you" allison put so much meaning behind those two words. "Your welcome" the line died. Allison didn't put down the phone. Instead she dialed the last number she thought she ever would. She hoped she would answer. It was 2 a.m. she probably wouldn't answer. But allison didn't know if she was strong Enough to call again. "Alli baby! What's wrong sweetheart." Her mom sounded groggy, but worried and hopeful. They hadn't talked since she had moved to LA with her dad, leaving her mom in Chicago. That was a year ago, when she was 15, two months before sawyer frasier and 3 before her 16th birthday. So much had happened, where should she even start allison sobbed Into the phone quietly , her mother waited patiently. She knew her baby. "Mmmmooo-mmmm-mommy' she stuttered into the phone. Her father was gone so much, he knew nothing of sawyer, the trial, or the baby. She felt so alone. So she spilt her heart to her mother. "Oh my poor baby! My poor poor baby! May that bastard rot in hell." That was her first her words after allison quieted. But she knew her baby and she knew what she needed. "So have you considered baby names yet?" Allison giggled weakly. " yeah I was thinking hope." And she could see it now. Hope nestled in her arms . and no one could take that away, for the first time in what felt like forever, Allison felt okay. After all, she had hope what more did she need?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2015 ⏰

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