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Both men stare at me and I have to decide. Adam or Niall? Niall, my boyfriend or maybe ex-boyfriend or Adam, who's cute. Adam or Niall?Think, Olivia, think!, my inner voice rushes me to make a decision.

Adam or Niall? Niall or Adam?

The girl, who's name is still a secret to me, goes to Niall and takes away my decision. I don't know if that's good or not. She goes to Niall, cups his cheeks but he turns his head away and breathes out heavily. My heart breaks for the millionth time and I turn my head away from them. I don't, and I can't face Niall and his new girl now. He said they are just friends but I can't believe that anymore. Not after tonight. A big wave of pain rushes through me as I go over to Adam. I hold onto his arm and the man who holds him steps away. Adam looks over my shoulder and is heavily breathing. Anger and aggression is in his eyes. I place my hand on his cheek, which gives me goosebumps, and turns his head to face me. He looks down at me and licks his lip. "Are you okay?"

Shouldn't I be the one who asks. I should ask him that. He was the one who just got into a fight with my boyfriend... or ex-boyfriend.

I nod and he takes my hand.

"Come." Adam leads me away from Niall and that girl and the other people in this club. He turns around, to glare at Niall and then drags me even quicker away from the mess. I want to turn around to see Niall, but I can't. I keep my eyes on what's in front of me. Adam opens a door and lets me step in first. He puts his hand on my back when he closes the door behind us. We enter a little office. It has a small sofa, a desk and bookshelves.

"I'm sorry." I mumble as we sit down on the couch.

"Why?" He chuckles. I love that he can still laugh, despite the fact that he just got into a fight because of me. I look up from my lap and take a closer look in the damages. I cup his face and turn it to the right and to the left.

"He was pretty bad. Didn't hurt my face." Adam smirks and I giggle quietly. "He only hit my arms and my chin one time, but other than that... I'm fine." He places his hands on mine and takes them away from his cheek. My heart starts racing as he holds me hands. I'm embarrassed because of Niall and look down. Adam puts his finger under my chin and lifts it up to face him.

"Are you really okay?"

"Are you?" I want to know. He chuckles and nods. Adam leans in for a kiss and I quickly stand up from the sofa. "I have a boyfriend."

"Doesn't seem like it." He raises his eyebrows.

I sigh. "I know." I admit. It really doesn't seem like I have a boyfriend... maybe I don't have a boyfriend anymore. A boyfriend wouldn't lie that he has work and then go out clubbing with another girl. A boyfriend wouldn't have said nothing seeing me having fun with another guy. A boyfriend wouldn't have ignored me the whole night. A boyfriend wouldn't let me be so much with another guy, like Niall did. He let me do all this stuff, plus getting drunk. He just let me and that's what probably hurts the most. It was like, I was irrelevant to him... maybe I am.

"Olivia!" Adam tears me out of my thought. I wonder how many time he had to do this in this night already. Most likely more than twice.

"I need to pee." I say eventually after just looking into his face. Adam stands up and opens the door behind the desk. A small bathroom is inside and he looks so proud of it.

"It's just for workers but you're special." He laughs. His laugh give my heart a warm feeling before it turns cold again because he's not Niall. He's not Niall and he'll never be Niall. Even if Niall and I aren't together anymore, Adam will never be able to replace him. Niall is Niall and he's mine... or was mine. But a feeling inside me tells me that Niall is still mine. We can and will forget tonight and the other nights where he went out with his mates and that girl instead of spending time with me, we'll forget it. Maybe I'm giving in to easily, but I love him too much and won't let that shit break us apart. Niall might be out there with that girl, but I know that he thinks and feels the same as I do. He just has to.

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