||Hello Guy's! Im Picabo & Im new to Wattpad, Not sure how this works yet. Im still getting a hang of it.Anyways. I hope you all like my story, Or the first chapter atleast.I worked hard on it that's why. I'll appreciate it if you gave me comments too 💕 ||
I brought the burning cigarette up to my mouth, Inhaling a deep breath while the smoke filled my lungs..I leaned my back upon the brick wall as I let the thick smoke escape my lips.. I throw the cigarette onto the hard concrete. I start to walk down the empty street.. After minutes of walking, I finally reached my destination which was my place..I walk up the stairs, The stairs making a loud creaking noise as I step.. I open the door to the old wooden house.. My place was deep in the woods, So I didn't really need to lock my house because I know no one will come into the woods this far..I try to make my way to the couch without bumping into anything, which was extremely hard considering you couldn't see a damn thing..After bumping into hundreds of furniture, I finally got to the couch, I plopped my body onto the couch, As my eyes began to droop & my breathing became steady, Sleep took over me.
I walked into the dark woods, The cold air hitting me making me shiver. Twigs breaking underneath my step, I walk a little longer and deeper into the woods.You can hear everything around you happening so clearly.. I spot my house in a further distance which is quite incredible actually, because it's pitch dark. I walked in the woods so much, I pretty much know where everything is.. I walk up the stairs to the house, The stairs looking as if they can break any moment now. I grip hard onto the railway making sure I don't put very much weight onto the weak stairs.. Fog starts to cloud my vision as I can't see anything which wasn't very bothering me much. because what I said earlier, I pretty much know where everything is.. I open the door, the door making a loud creak. I close the door not really giving a care if it's locked or not.. I find my way to my bed in the dark, I have no electricity in my house. It doesn't bug me. I have myself, It's been this way as long as I can remember. I pull my blanket over my head as I cuddle with a cold pillow. The thoughts came back to me, Im all alone,I let a few tears escape my eyes. then my tears turned to fountains. I closed my eyes and drifted into a deep sleep.
I open my eyes but immediately as the sunlight creeping through my curtains nearly blinded me, I shut my now hurting eyes hardly,.I opened my eyes. I blinked repeatedly trying to get used of the light. I groggily got up from the bed and walked to the window to shut the curtain. Something caught my eye, I see 6 guys outside.I couldn't see who they were because they were hooded.. One of the hooded guys looked in my direction, I sucked in a gasp and quickly closed the window.. I was scared out of my mind. Theres no doubt that they will come here now, I crawled to a little cellar, that was hiding underneath a little rug. I lift up the rug and open the cellar and got inside, trying not to fall down the ladder, I softly close the cellar door, making sure that the rug is still covering the cellar door. I quietly make my way down the ladder and sit in a dark corner, hugging my nears, I hear the front door creak open, I hear faint footsteps, I calm and quiet down my breathing. The footsteps began to get louder and louder until the point they were right on top of me.. I hold in my breath, praying that they won't find me..
"Are you on drugs man?"
I head a thick irish accent,
multiple chuckles were getting passed around the room. May I add the chuckled were very deep..
"No I swear, I saw a girl looking out of the curtain"
A husky voice protested. I grip onto my legs a little tighter. I couldn't hold my breath any longer,I try to catch a very quiet breath of air but it came out as a really loud gasp.. I put my head un between my legs hoping they didn't hear me..
"Did you hear that"
That same husky voice said once again. That's it, No doubt I'm going to die,, A cold tear drops from my eyes and rolls down my face..
"Dude, You should go back to the house and rest, You're hallucinating..No one lived here for years, It's abandoned"
Someone Said.
That husky voice said, They walked to the door by the tell of their footsteps..

Broken Meets Broken *Zerrie*
FanfictionHe was a very troubled boy with his own issues. He joined one of the most dangerous gang in the US a couple of years back, He abused some innocent people.. He takes drugs, Half of those drugs he doesn't even know what he's taking...Why does he do th...