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Mera actually wrote something, what? I know, I know - shocker. But hey it's not my fault I've had major writers block. Anyway, that aside. I do hope you enjoy this terrible writing and do come again.

"Did you or did you not kill Laura Anderson? Answer me!"

Large hands slammed down against the wooden table. The girl sitting across from the burly man, her makeup smudged and tears streaming down hair face, flinched. Sobs racked through her body as she shook her head repeatedly

"No, no, I swear!"

"Then how the hell do you explain this?" The man held up a giant stack of printed off papers and threw it down on the tables, causing the girl to cry harder. "You wrote this, damn it. You knew. If you didn't kill Laura or the others, how the hell did you know?"

"I don't know, I don't, I promise!" The girl began shaking in her chair. She didn't know how she knew it. She had no recollection of coming up for the idea either. In fact, the only thing the girl remembered was flashes of her getting up in the middle of the night. Short memories of her typing away like a mad woman.

Maybe I am insane, the girl thought

The man surged forward, grabbing her by her shirt. He pulled her forward and quickly whispered in her ear, "I know you killed her, and you will pay" before others rushed in to seize him and carry him away.

The girl didn't remember how long she sat there, how long she sat there praying, before the door opened and in walked a woman who only looked a few years older than her.

"Reese, I'm Dr. Sutton. How are you today?"

The girl, Reese, looked up from her hands to stare past Dr. Sutton, almost as if she wasn't there. Reese didn't want to talk to anyone else. She wanted to go home, she wanted to see him.

"Who's 'him', Reese?"

Reese cocked her head. Did she say that out loud? Her eyes met the Doctor. Emily Sutton felt a sudden surge of sorrow as she saw for the first time the pain and hollowness in the young girl's eyes.

"How about we start from the beginning, Reese?" Dr. Sutton said slowly. "And you tell me anything you want about how this all started."

The woman walked up the shut the blinds on what may look like a mirror, but on the other side people were watching. People eager to hear Reese's side of the story. But Dr. Sutton didn't want that. She wanted complete confidentiality. She pulled the batteries out of the sound recorder and put in her bag.

"Whenever you're ready."

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