four stages of being a vampire

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the church bells hung heavily in the air, as I stood in the cold court yard. Brison's arms were wrapped tightly around me as I snuggled up into his chest, taking what ever comfort this world would give me. My heart was broken. I could feel it drop in my chest, like a disregarded anchor would plummet down into the dark ocean. It was so cold. Dawn was approaching, a symbol for us means new life, but for a vampire, meant death. It was an old vampire tradition dating back to when the spell was first cast on them. Vampires take a special potion in their breakfast blood, to prevent them from getting effected by witch spells, but Red did not feel like having breakfast, so neither did Arrow. She said she needed air, so they went for a walk alone in the garden. They had been gone for sometime when palace doctor got worried and went to see where they were. He was horrified to find a witch with a knife embedded in her chest, as she lay dead on the ground. But her spell book was opened on a page which turned people to ash. And only then did he see the two heaps of ash on the ground, with nothing but the crowns left. Red must have tried to stop her, but was too late.   

The bishop stood on a large platform in front of us, with his hands high in the air, begging God to show them mercy and to see them through to the after life. When his prayer was over, he paused for a moment, knowing what came next. Swallowing down his pain, he held his trembling head. Then he reached out to a glass bowl, with a golden rim. Inside of which were the ashes. Both ashes. They had it in their will, that if they were to ever die, after their cremation, their ashes would be mixed, so even in their darkest hour of death, they were together. On the altar, in front of the bowl, there were of course flowers, but taking centre stage, were two large candles, one represent the king with his symbol, the other representing the queen with her symbol and in the middle was a third candle, with a strange symbol, I could only guess to represent their royal status. It was smaller then the other two. His hands rested on the bowl for a moment as though he could not bring himself to do it. The royal orchestra, played the slowest saddest melody I had ever heard. It was so powerful it made me cry even more, yet it was as soft as a lullaby.  Then with one rush of strength he lifted it up and tossed the ashes out onto the wind, to be carried off to the after life, just as the dull sun rose, behind the mist and fog.  With lightly shut eyes he placed the bowl back down. What he had just down had come to him. His king and queen were officially gone. 

He lead across the table, blowing out the two big one and when he reached the last one in the middle, he blew it out with much regret and quickly slapping the bible closed walked off.  The crowd began to slowly shuffle out of the court yard. Soon pretty much everyone was gone, except for a few people the other people side of the court yard, huddled together, sobbing, us and an old man, who had refused to move. He seemed to haunted and sick of the world. I guess it was because I could sympathize with his pain, I felt it right in their honour, to go over and offer some comfort. I nudged Brison and gestured to the man. He smiled down and nodded in agreement. I quietly called the rest of the pack to come and stand behind us, to offer their support. Sniffling and wiping away my tears, trying to pull myself together, I folded my arms to try and make myself warm, both outside and in. I walked over and stood next to the man.

" You feeling alright?" I asked softly, placing a hand on his arms.

If took him a minute to answer, but I did not mind.

" They're are five major stages of a vampires life. Two are optional," He began as he started to very slowly walk towards the alter.

" They first is when a baby first get their fangs at the age of two. This is the age that start to grow a normal pace, up to then, they grow rather slowly. The second stage, is initiation, when children of 13 are brought out into forests by army generals and thought how to be a vampire, by trails of strength and intelligence. The third stage that is mandatory if death. The priest or bishop waits until the sun is about to rise and throws your ashes out into the wind. They cremated because soil and dirt dose not break down our bodies, like it dose other all other creatures. The fourth is marriage. Here they present each gifts that linked back to how they first met, to show how they loved them then and the gift is a symbol that as long as they have it, they will be reminded they love you. If you loose it you just get a new one. and the last one is children. We don't do pregnancy tests, like you. If a woman wants to see if she is pregnant, she fills a bowl with water from a scared spring. Churches usually have some ready just in case. She then cuts her hand with a knife and lets one drop of her blood fall into the bowl. If she is not, they blood just dilutes into the water. But if she is, the water turns to thick blood. It is important that the bowl or glass she uses is see through, so she can clearly see the water," He finished as we stopped just at the alter, where three candles and the bowl sat, with the flowers decorated around it. The rest had waited back where we were first standing, sorting out who was driving who.

" Much like this bowl," He said.

His voice broke and his shoulders shock heavily. I looked up at the bowl and saw slight traces of dust left. It traumatised me. To think people who had been so full of life, were hear before me as dust. I felt weak. It was in my trance of looking at the slightly dusty bowl did I notice it. I bowl was not clear, it was ever so dirty, with dry rusty looking substance, a lot like blood-That is when it hit me.

" I was their doctor. They had tried so hard and when I heard the news that she was-" He said smiling faintly at the memory. His face then sunk back down. 

" Oh why did this have to happen," He sobbed.  

I would have tried to console him, but I left light headed. The world began to spin around me, as I staggered back to the group. I swayed from side to side, I couldn't breath. I couldn't breath. Oh God, I couldn't even stand. Tears fell down my face all on their own and my eyes stung. I was about to fall when Brison caught me. I began to sob heavier than I ever did before.

" It's okay. It's okay," he whispered.

I opening my mouth to tell him, but I kept chocking on my tears. Eventually I managed to blurt it out.
All the signs were there. Why she did not eat breakfast, she was morning sick and because Of their bond he felt sick to. The orchestra played a lullaby. The small candle. Why Arrow was strangely protective over her at the ball. Why he let himself be stabbed in her place even though she wouldn't be hurt. When she hugged him to calm him, she said he was being a good husband and when she paused and said she didnt mind him getting mad, what she wanted to say was you were being a good husband and a good father. I can't believe I was so blind.

" She was pregnant,"  


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