Chapter 11

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I'm so grateful for all the nice comments on the chapters, it's good to know you're all enjoying the story :) Don't be a silent reader - make sure to drop me a comment or a vote to let me know if you like it! Anyway... enjoy :D


A familiar pair of heels strode past, just inches below Olivia’s face. They stopped a few steps past her, paused for a moment, as if processing what they had just noticed, and then turned in direction to face her.


Alyssa’s voice sounded concerned. Genuinely concerned. Like a friend would. She bent down to where Olivia was hunched over, head resting on her knees.

"What are you doing down here?" She extended her arm, offering to help Olivia up but her gesture was not accepted. Olivia stayed there, silent, without looking up.

"I think I know what this is about."

Olivia raised her head a little to glance at Alyssa, whose face was a pure picture of sympathy. "This is about Aaron, isn’t it? Let me guess, you saw him with some other bimbo?" She sighed. "I think that’s happened to practically everyone in the school, babe." She glanced at Kayla and Courtney, who nodded in agreement.

"You’re only saying that to make me feel better," Olivia sighed. "But it’s not exactly working."

"Honestly, babe, I’m telling you. He’s the biggest player in the school – such a man whore," she rolled her eyes. "Don’t take it personally."

"But I’m so stupid! How could I have not seen it coming?"

"You weren’t to know what he was like. Well, now you know."

"I thought he really liked me."

Alyssa shook her head lightly. "Trust me, he’ll have found some new slut in a few days time. You can count on that."

Olivia sighed.

"His longest relationship lasted two weeks – and that was shocking for him."

Olivia raised her eyebrows disbelievingly, but Alyssa was serious. She could tell.

"He went on and on about how he was really serious about her, but after two weeks he found the temptation overwhelming and was found cheating on her in the broom closet with another girl from his Spanish class. The broom closet. Real romantic." She rolled her eyes. "And she wasn’t even hot."

Olivia glanced up at her.

"There’s plenty more fish in the sea, babe! And all the best ones are in this ocean, you know." She winked as she glanced around the corridor, which was filled with dozens of guys – all with huge potential. "We’ll find you someone else – don’t stress about that."

Olivia paused, rolling Alyssa’s advice around in her mind.

"I suppose Aaron wasn’t that wonderful."

She couldn’t help but let a small smile creep onto her face. Maybe that was what she needed – some non-committal fun with some of the hottest guys in school. Now that she was in with the popular crowd, practically on the top rung of the social ladder (almost onto the rooftop deck, in fact) there were no limits with the guys that were accessible. It was as if Alyssa was her pass into the VIP section of the school, a section where she had never been permitted before, where she could date who she wanted, wear what she wanted and do whatever she pleased, all without worrying about what people thought of her. After all, no one would dare utter a bad word in earshot of the A-list crowd.

Olivia glanced up at some of the dozens of students that were passing by, on their way to various locations throughout the school. Blond guys, tanned guys, some so ripped their muscles were practically bursting out of their uniform, guys with glasses and guys that emitted arrogance from even the way they walked. Guys with their trophy girlfriends practically glued to their arms, guys that couldn’t get far enough away from their girlfriends and the single guys that checked out every girl that entered their line of vision. It really was like an ocean, and all Olivia had to do was cast her line and hope to reel something good in.

Alyssa stood up properly and reached out her arm, which Olivia took this time, pulling her to her feet and smiling as she steadied herself on her new heels. Those damn things took some serious getting used to.

"So…" Alyssa pondered as her eyes scanned the bustling corridor, almost immediately getting to work with her new challenge. "What about that guy?"

Olivia glanced in the direction of Alyssa’s gesture, where a short, nerdy guy with very bright ginger hair and thick rimmed glasses that were balanced on the tip of his nose came into focus. She threw a look at her friend, who creased up laughing at her expression.

"Oh, come on – lighten up!" smiled Alyssa, playfully punching Olivia in the arm. "Anyway, he’s probably already banging someone else. Hey – it’s probably your little friend Chelsie. They’ve got the same hair colour, haven’t they?"

Olivia couldn’t help but smile. Sure, it was a cheap shot, but after how Chelsie had irritated her she was glad of any opportunity to bring her down even the slightest fraction. Maybe she had a head-start already if Alyssa wasn’t on good terms with her.

"What did she want earlier, anyway?" Courtney chipped in.

"Yeah, you were gone for like…" Kayla paused, trying to come up with a word. The cogs whirring in her brain were practically audible. "…ages."

"Totally ages," Courtney parroted.

"Hot little lesbian love session, was it?" Alyssa snickered.

"Oh shut up, guys!" Olivia pouted and then rolled her eyes, remembering the encounter of only a few minutes ago. It felt like a decade had passed. "God, she was just being a bitch."

"About what?"

"I don’t know – something about me changing and not being friends with her anymore." She rolled her eyes. "Like I give a crap. I can’t believe I was ever friends with her, even if it was only for a day."

"Totally," Alyssa nodded. "She’s such a weirdo."

"I know, right? I didn’t know a nerd could get so bitchy." Olivia shrugged.

The foursome reached the door of their homeroom classroom just as the bell was about to ring. "Hey…" said Alyssa, as the corner of her mouth turned upwards into a smirk. "I’ve got an idea."

Olivia looked at her expectantly as they went into the classroom and approached their desks. Alyssa threw Mr Hammond a flirty wave and a wink, and turned back to face her friend. "If you really want to get one over on Chelsie… I’ve got a little something in mind."

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