The next evening, Blue had just arrived home from being with Kiara. She walked into the kitchen and said"I'm home!", only to find Alexandra sprawled across the floor. She noticed a heart on the counter with a knife through it, and realized it was her mother's heart. Blue found a note stuck between the heart and the knife.On the note it said"Love kills."When Blue had read the note about five more times, Blue ran out the door and ran straight to the base to confront Kiara and see if she knew who wrote the note. Once Blue arrived at the compound she walked right through the closed heavy metal doors and walked straight towards Kiara's room and knocked on the door.
When Kiara opened her bedroom door she was shocked at seeing Blue in the compound, so to cover up her surprise she said"Hey, what's up?" Then when Blue didn't answer she asked her what was wrong. In answer she held the note up for Kiara to see. Kiara told Blue to come in to her room to explain what happened and what this note means. Blue told Kiara that when she got home she had found her mother sprawled across the kitchen floor and how she found her mother's heart on the counter with a knife embedded in it holding the note in place and how she ran straight to the base to ask her if she might have any idea who killed her mother and wrote the note.
Blue asked Kiara if she had done this or taken any part in this murderous act.When Kiara heard this she started crying saying that she didn't do anything and said"I was with you the entire time remember." Kiara and Blue went back to Blue's house to investigate and see if they could find any clues on who did this and maybe figure out why this murder was even committed.
Once they arrived at the house, Blue unlocked the door and walked into the kitchen to find the blood, and her mother's body and heart gone. Blue found the knife cleaned and put back with all the other knives. Kiara asked her where the body and blood was, and Blue answered by saying"It was all here, I swear!""Either the killer came back and cleaned up the mess to cover their tracks or they're still here in your home." So Blue and Kiara started their search of the house to find a killer. After searching every nook and cranny of the house,"It's getting late, I should get going."said Kiara.
Blue says"Wait! can I come back with you and spend the night?Please!" Kiara says"Sure, it shouldn't be a problem as long as it's just for tonight."Thank you." Blue says."We'll have to sneak you past all the security cameras and all the motion sensors."said Kiara. Blue just laughed and said" No, you have get past all that.It's easy for me." Kiara looks at her puzzled then said"Well how are you going to get in and get past all the security."Blue thought for a moment and said"Same way I got past it all last time."So while Kiara was putting in the code to get back into the compound, Blue muttered something under her breath and disappeared.
When Kiara got the door open she saw Blue being surrounded by troops with the chief commander in tow. Once the Commander reached Kiara, she asked her who this was, indicating that she meant Blue. Kiara just stood there and stared blankly into the chief's eyes.When the chief didn't get an answers she slapped Kiara across the face as hard as she could. When she still got no answer from Kiara she walked over towards Blue and Blue whipped her tail at the chief and wrapped it around the chief's ankle and lifted her off the ground upside down. One of the troops put a knife to Blues throat and said"Drop her now!"Then the chief said"It's okay I'll stay like this for now" The chief then said"I'm Angel and I will call the troops off if you would kindly put me down."
So Blue dropped Angel to the ground on her side and Angel called the guards off of Blue. Angel started circling Blue and said"You intrigue me girl, So please tell me why are you here? are you here to steal the ruby of love?"Blue smiled and said"I don't want the stupid ruby!" Blue says in a calm but stern voice. "My mother was murdered and Kiara was going to let me share her room for the night, then I was going to find out who killed my mother."Angel asked Kiara if this was true and she nodded, then said"Yes, it's true.I was just trying to help a friend in need." kiara then added"We suspect- "Yeah, yeah you suspect it is someone from within the compound who has a whole lot of hate and anger towards the Eye."Angel said cutting Kiara off.
Blue had a bad feeling that she had gotten Kiara in a lot of trouble. Was Kiara mad at her? Was Kiara going to continue being her only human friend?While Blue was thinking some depressing thoughts,Kiara was wondering if Blue was mad at her and thinking that she had planned this whole thing just to catch the leader of the Eye's daughter.