Annoying best friends, brothers, and...... Boyfriends

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Brock: *whispers* Katie, Katie wake up

I felt someone shake me awake, I looked up and saw Brock looking down at me.

Katie: How long was I asleep

Brock: Long enough we have to get going

Katie: I don't wanna get up

Brock: *laughs* Well you have to cause we've gotta head to the next city

Katie: Oh shoot I've gotta call Aj

I sat up and grabbed my phone calling Aj

*on the phone*


Katie: Woah Woah Woah Aj calm down stop talking so fast my head still hurts a little

When I said that Brock came over to me planting a soft kiss on temple, then he continued to put his shirt on.

Aj: Is someone there

Katie: Uuuh no

Aj: Oh my god did you go back to someone else's hotel room, you're not pregnant are you

Katie: What no no why would you even ask that

Aj: I don't know you know you

Katie: Wait what are you talking about

Aj: Ooh sorry gotta go *hangs up*

Katie: Aj...... Aj! Did she really just hang up on me

I rolled my eyes and got out of the the bed. Brock was most likely in the bathroom right now. Then I realized I had no clothes and Aj probably took my stuff with her when she left. And literally all I was wearing right now was one of Brock's shirts. Great. I turned around and a pair of pants were thrown at my face.

Brock: Come on we should get going

Katie: Where did you.... you know what never mind

I put the pants on and Brock and I left. We went downstairs and Brock checked out while I waited at the door.

???: We need to talk

I turned around and saw Roman standing there

Katie: What do you want

Roman: Why are you with him

Katie: What are you..... oh you mean Brock. Why do you care

Roman: Katie look I'm sor.....

I slapped him before he could finish

Katie: I don't wanna hear anything you have to say right now

Roman: Look I understand you're upset with me right now but if you think I'm just gonna let you...

Brock: Let her what

Roman turned around and Brock was standing behind him.

Roman: What do you want Lesnar this doesn't concern you

Brock: Actually it does because you see you're talking to my girlfriend, so it kinda does now if you'll excuse us

Brock grabbed my hand and pulled me away.

Well that was interesting

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