The move

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     Katlyn's POV:
I walk in with exhaustion written across my face,tossing my bag to the ground. I suddenly look up seeing boxes everywhere,at first I didn't think there were boxes and maybe it was my imagination. I rub my eyes and look again but still the boxes are there. I see mother walk out of the kitchen and she sees my expression and tells me to go help bring my boxes down and run up the steps.
     I recently discovered  that my step father has been promoted to a higher position,meaning we need to leave Kentucky. I run down the steps to see my best friends for life standing there with their mother. I can see Bella and Anna crying,clearly they knew what was happening. I run to them wrapping my arms around them,sobbing.
"Promise me, that we will see each other soon." I say as begin to pull away from them. "Promise me we will still be friends, even though we will be hours and miles away." I can hear my mother telling me to hurry up so we can leave, I wipe away the tears as I wave goodbye to them.
I knew this would probably be the last time I would see them for a while but I needed to stop crying before I got sick.
I've been trying to write this for a while now and I can't think of any names for the characters!! Please feel free to suggest some if you would like.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2017 ⏰

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