The Torture of Small Talk

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Meanwhile with Satoshiki- I mean Satoshi and Yoshiki!

Yoshiki patched up Satoshi with the medical kit he found in the locker room, covering his friend with little bandages . The young brunette sat on the floor patiently, his eyes now tear free and his nose slightly rose pink from the recent sobbing. The scratch on Satoshi's cheek, now cleaned up and with a large bandage, was gonna be hard to explain to his mother, but he can just say he tripped during the game. After calling Satoshi's mother and obtaining permission to stay with Yoshiki for the weekend, the boys headed to the blonde's car. The drive was silent, for Yoshiki knew that Satoshi was still slightly traumatized from the recent incident that occurred, so he was worried that he might say something that might worsen the atmosphere.

Finally they arrived at Yoshiki's apartment. The blonde supported the brunette as they made their way to the door. Fumbling with his keys a bit, not wanting to let go of Satoshi, Yoshiki successfully opened the door and guided Satoshi to his apartment. It was a standard living space, kept clean yet with a few piles of papers and bills here and there. Kishinuma then set Mochida down on the dark burgundy couch that complimented the navy blue walls of the living room very nicely. "Uh, you want some water?..." Yoshiki asked, attempting to break the deafening silence that had been lingering on for too long. "Y-Yeah... T-thanks Kishinuma..." Satoshi replied quietly, too busy recalling the recent events. Yoshiki went to the monochromatic kitchen, opened the ebony fridge and pulled out a water bottle from the rack inside. The blonde returned to the brunette sitting on the couch while opening the bottle for his friend.

Satoshi took large gulps of the cold drink, nearly finishing the entire thing before closing it and setting it on the dark wood table. Both males sat in silence for what seemed like hours, and it was making Yoshiki nervous. He wanted to comfort Satoshi yet he didn't know what to say since he wasn't used to doing that, and he already felt bad enough for not comforting Mochida at the moment. Plus he wasn't liking the way Satoshi avoided eye contact and just kept staring straight ahead and barely blinking. It was driving Kishinuma nuts and he wondered if they were going to remain in this agonizing silence before they had to rest. Well, IF Satoshi can get ANY sleep. Yoshiki thought. Finally having enough of the mute atmosphere, Yoshiki spoke out.

"Hey if you're not feeling alright we cou-"

The blonde was cut off as the brunette buried his face into Yoshiki's chest and began to sob uncontrollably. Yoshiki was at a loss for words, yet he instinctively wrapped his arms around Satoshi's small frame. He then rubbed the crying boy's back, attempting to soothe him a bit. Yoshiki knew that Satoshi was traumatized, but it never dawned upon him of how scarred Mochida was gonna be after todays events. However, the second he thought that a burning rage began to cloud in Yoshiki's mind. First mild and then continuously growing the more he listened to Satoshi's sobs and feeling the tears in his shirt. He unconsciously tightened his grip on Satoshi, for he knew the cause of Satoshi's fear and his boiling anger.

Yuuya Kizami

Yoshiki's Pov

That damn psychopath, I don't know why the hell he hurt Mochida, but now that bitch is screwed. When I find that fucker I'm gonna-

My train of thoughts was interrupted when I felt Satoshi look up from my chest, staring at me with those beautiful, chocolate fawn-like eyes puffed up from his breakdown seconds ago. "K-K-Kishinuma, a-are y-you ok?" He asked softly, slightly stuttering. I guess he must've noticed that I was pissed and was worried about me. How adorable, although I'm more worried about him then he'll ever be. "I should be asking you the same thing," I reply with a slight chuckle. His eyes widened and then looked away, a slight blush on his face? Nah, I'm probably hallucinating, he doesn't share the same feelings as me, right? Mochida then wraps his arms around my torso and lays his head back on my chest, listening to my heartbeat. I could feel my pulse increase quickly from seeing his actions, but I knew that I needed to calm myself so that I wouldn't make him worried again.

And now we were back to the frustrating silence again. I hated it so much, the quietness just made me nervous since it reminded me of that damn haunted school, but I have to respect Satoshi's emotions right now. Hesitantly I asked, "Don't wanna talk right now?" Satoshi replied a little bit more calmly, "N-no... I wanna s-stay like this r-right now..." I was disliking the no talking idea, but the position we were in made me say otherwise. I leaned back into the sofa a bit more so that Mochida would be laying on top of me. Soon my mind began to go into the gutter with our current situation, imaging Satoshi panting and moaning whil-No Yoshiki! Now is not a good time for that! I disregard those perverse thoughts and stared back at the brunette. His eyed were closed as he continued to relax to the sound of my heart. Reluctantly, I began to stroke his hair, which feels more silky than I have ever imagined. He tensed up a bit but soon relaxed into my touch.

We probably stayed that way for hours, yet it was barely 7:55 when I looked at the clock on my apartment wall. Despite the urge to engage in conversation, even the smallest exchange of words, I didn't want to push Mochida into another crying fit again. So I decided to do the next best thing.

I started singing.

(A/N I can't think of any song that could fit this situation so you can play whatever song that goes well in your mind. I'll probably edit it later.)

Afterwards I noticed that Satoshi was humming along to the song, so I continued, until eventually I heard him snoring softly. Even when he sleeps he's so cute! Agh! He's like a kitten! I thought happily. Looking at the clock it read 8:39. Might as well sleep early then. But I don't wanna wake up Mochida. I contemplate on my next move, and decided to just stay they way we are. I slowly reach over to the jacket on the table and covered his body with it, almost stirring him from his sleep. Once he was back to snoring again, I relaxed back into the couch, wrapping my arms once again on his small frame. My eyelids began to grow heavy, and soon I doze of into dreamland, hoping that Satoshi can sleep easy with me around.

And I'm done! I can't believe I almost lost interest in this story ∑(゜□゜; ... Anyways here's chapter 4 and I'm currently working on chapter 5. Also thank you for over 1k reads even though this book was collecting dust ;w; I really appreciate it. So i decided to make this chapter more detailed since I'm improving my writing skills. Also I'm thinking of doing other stories but they're still a wip so stay tuned!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2016 ⏰

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