Chapter One: Thunder

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Thunder boomed loudly overhead and seconds later a bolt of lightning flashed, causing the night sky to be illuminated for a split second before fading to complete darkness. He stood across the street from the house where all the lights were out except for the huge bay window on the second floor. Flicking his ebony bangs out of his eyes, he watched the slim figure of the woman moving around her room unaware of his presence. At one point the woman moved to the window to pull aside the drapes and look up at the stormy night sky. He melted into the shadows as she glanced down, scanning the street for nothing in particular. The sound of light foot falls echoed behind him. He didn't turn around, just simply continued to watch the woman in the window.
"Gaven," he said emotion absent from his voice as his squad brother, Gaven Mathias, stopped at his elbow.
"Kellian," Gaven said his voice low as he looked up at the window. "Is that her? The woman boss man has you guarding?" He asked. Kellian nodded and without looking away from the woman's window, he slipped a hand into the pocket hidden on the inside of his leather coat and pulled out a file; the boss man had given it to him the night before. He handed the file to Gaven who flipped it open and quickly scanned over the information provided. "The woman's name is Corrina Avalon. Says here she's 21 and is a junior at Black Cross College. The college is private and isn't all that far from our house you know. And since she lives only a few houses down from us, it should be easy to keep an eye on her. "Gaven explained. Kell glanced at Gaven.
"I already knew that, you dip.' He told him. Gaven grinned.
"I'm just saying." He said. Kell rolled his eyes. A flash of lightening lit the sky again and Kell whipped his head back toward Corrina's window as he heard her scream. He tensed waiting for any sign of attacking enemies, then relaxed when Gaven laughed saying,
"She screamed because of the lightening, Kell. Calm down." Kell shot him a swift glare.
"I knew that." He growled defensively, shoving his hands into his coat pockets. Gaven chuckled and leaned his hip against a mail box, arms crossed. "So is everything going according to plan, Gaven?" Kell asked.
"Yep, we are all registered as seniors at the college and are due to start classes tomorrow. I just hope that you, Julian and Reed can handle the Honors classes our Miss. Corrina is taking. She is taking fifteen credits this upcoming term. Boss man made sure that the three of you got into all of her classes." Gaven replied. Kell nodded.
"And you? Where does the boss man have you?" He asked. Gaven grimaced.
"The boss man has me watching Corrina's best friend Cassandra Mason. Just in case something might happen. " Kell smirked.
"You're the one who pissed off the boss man." Kell said. Gaven glared at Kell.
"You know full well that was Julian's fault. If he hadn't turned the heat on the oven up while I wasn't looking, the roast wouldn't have burst into flames." Gaven exclaimed. Kell shook his head and flicked his bangs out of his eyes.
"Tell that to the boss man, not me." Kell said, looking up at the window again watching as Corrina looked back up at the sky before sighing and running a hand through her blonde and red hair then turned from the window to disappear from sight. A minute later the light flicked off. Gaven yawned suddenly and stretched.
"Well. I'm going to bed. If I'm supposed to wake up at six tomorrow morning, I'm going to need my beauty sleep." Kell turned to his partner, an amused look on his face.
"God knows you need as much of that as you can get." Kell teased.
"Ha-ha. Very funny. At least I'm prettier than you." Gaven said.
"You keep telling yourself that, Gaven." Kell said.
"Screw you, Kell." Gaven said, lightly punching Kell in the arm. Kell stared at Gaven in mock horror.
"Oh hell no! Not even in your whacked out fantasies." Gaven laughed then turned to saunter down the street tossing a wave over his shoulder along with the file which Kell caught with graceful ease.
"Night, Guard Dog." Gaven said. Kell shook his head before turning once again to Corrina's bedroom window, remembering.

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