He Was the Vulture...And She Was the Dove

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Avery's POV

Father walked up to me and smiled gently. But of course. I could see through his facade. He may seem like a harmless old man, but if you look closely, you'll see all the schemes and plots that he had thought up. And honestly, it's quite chilling. 

"How's Demetri, sweetheart? I saw you guys talking and I'll admit that both of you were rather...daring. Reminds me of your mother and I when we first met. I remember-"

"Yes yes of course father. No need for us to dwell in the past," I chuckled nervously, not wanting another history lesson. 

He shook his head and smiled. With that, he clapped loudly until the room was quiet as the night.
"Everyone! I have an announcement to make. The Pope and I have decided to bestow to our children our blessings for their marriage. Demetri Rivers, do you take my daughter as your fiancé?"

I looked into his lovely enchanting eyes. 

"I would. A thousand times. But of course, I would never force a lady. I will only marry Lady Silver if she wishes it. If not, I shall be disappointed, but nevertheless, I shall respect her decision."

A look of surprise shown upon all the guests' faces. A man respecting a woman's wishes was like seeing a bird talk to a worm. 

"Why of course...my lord."

My father beamed proudly at the two of us. 

"Well since that is settled, let us toast to the newly engaged!"

Waves upon waves of applause fell on Demetri and I. He slowly walked towards me and wrapped his arms around me.

Demetri's POV

I wrapped my arms around her delicate frame, gently caressing her arms as if she were a doll made of china and would break under the slightest pressure.

"Are you sure that this is what you want?" I whispered.

She smiled and looked up at me with those beautiful eyes that brightened up my day.

"No. But then again, when am I?"

I smirked and got dangerously close to her lips.

"Hmmm...you are one interesting girl aren't you, my little dove?"

She flushed ten shades of red, burying her head in my chest. I chuckled, clutching tighter to my beloved possession. I knew that this was going to be one of those things that I will never let go. 

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