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Seijuuro, I'm coming back today. Please make sure everything is prim and tidy at the school council room. Uh... wait, don't bother about the cleanliness, I'm sure it's clean already. I'll just come tomorrow and surprise the council members. Empty the courts for me when I arrive? Oh, and help me manage the papers, thanks. Nights, Seijuuro~ -Tsunayoshi

Akashi clicked his tongue and shoved the phone back into his pocket. How Tsunayoshi phrased the message was childish and completely unnecessary. He knew that the brunet/blond head would come in late when there is nobody outside the school building. Finally, no one bosses him around!

"I'm leaving for school!" He said to no one in particular, slinging his jacket over his shoulders. He fished out his phone again and replied.

Whatever, I hope you've matured to come back. -Seijuuro

Tsunayoshi chuckled at the message. Seijuuro had replied at a rather late time, twenty-four hours later. He glanced out at the Kyoto sight again after leaving his phone on the arm rest. He still preferred the silent town of Namimori than this bustling city.

Just then, the blue black limousine with a small golden emblem pulled up at the school gates. Tsunayoshi stepped out of the car and took a deep breath. The place had not changed at all. Who am I kidding? I'm only absent from school for a month. The school is deserted at the front yard, much to his pleasure. The red head sure keeps his promise. He took a slow walk towards the school. "Boss?"

"Hn? Yes, Hayato?" The right-hand man frowned. "If you feel uncomfortable, you can go back. You're frowning yourself." Tsuna blinked and immediately smiled. The frown lifted off from his face. "Anyway, Hayato, shouldn't you be leaving already? You have a mission in... I don't know, somewhere in a few hours right?"

Said male looked at his watch and jumped. He started running for his ride. "Please take care, boss!" Tsunayoshi waved at him and watched as the limousine disappeared into indigo coloured mist.

"Now, what should I do? Check out the student council office?I can't wait to see those dreaded papers!" The last sentence is a joke though. He swiped out his phone and texted.

In the Student Council room. Only expose my identity to council members please. Gather all members, and Reo-nee, at lunch break. -Tsunayoshi

Akashi clicked his tongue. Who the heck would text him during class period? What's more is that, the brunet knows that it is only the third period. He raised his hand up and inquired. "Sensei, can I please request for absence in the next ten minutes?" His eyes stared at her, waiting for an answer. However, the teacher froze instead, unable to reply; and when she did...

He was already out of the boring classroom.

Akashi took brisk and wide steps towards the general office. In less than five minutes, he was standing outside the glass doors, a meter away from the speaker. "Kayu-san, may I please use the," he points at the receiver.



Kayu-san gave him permission and resumed to his duties. Akashi took the headphone and the microphone and took a deep breath. "Would the following students please gather outside the student council room during lunch break. Student council members, Mibuchi Reo-"

I've announced it. Please take your position by lunch. -Seijuuro

Tsunayoshi laughed a hearty laughter and sat at the president's chair. His fingers glided across the mahogany table and then picked up the exquisite pen. His hands then stopped at the nameplate that laid at the front of the desk. "Akashi Seijuuro," it states.

Tsunayoshi then moved to the back of the chair and closes his eyes. Lunch break is still a long way to go, why not nap while waiting.

We're coming. Get ready. -Seijuuro

Akashi clicked his tongue for the nth time of the day. This brunet individual "double ticked" him. What is Tsunayoshi doing?

Student council room is always my favourite spot. Not only do I get my privacy, I get to slack off too.

Akashi slapped his forehead. He recalled one of the student newspapers' articles. "Kaichou's life in school" was the title. It was also a school favourite and from there, his popularity among the ladies increased, on par with his.

No one had arrived yet and he was getting tired of waiting for the brunet to reply. Without formalities, Akashi rushed into the room, fuming slightly. "Tsuna?" He called, looking at the floor. However, no one replied back.

"He couldn't be sleeping, right?" He questioned himself. But right after he said that, he found Tsuna sleeping comfortably behind his chair. Akashi growled and tapped his feet, increasing his killing aura. The red head had learnt that it is aura that wakes the young boss up, nothing else works. That is why only a selected few can wake him up.

And the reaction is rather hilarious.

He watched Tsuna's eyes squeeze tighter and his ears twitched. His fingers moved towards his pockets and retrieved a pair of familiar mittens. Akashi raised his aura. Suddenly, startling him, Tsuna jumped up with flames atop his forehead and dancing on his, now metallic, gloves. "Who's there?!" He glowered.

Akashi's eyes widened minutely before he started to stifle his laugh. "Pfft..." Tsuna then looked at the red eyes at his eye level and heaved a sigh of relief. The flames then extinguished before his personality took a 180° turn. "Hiee! Seijuuro-san! You're early!"

"It's lunch break now. I'm just on time." Tsuna blinked and looked at the clock. He could only mutter, "oh."

"Let's play a mini game while waiting, shall we?" Akashi suggested and flashed out a deck of red cards. Tsuna blinked again before shrieking, "eh? Uno?"

Akashi just nodded and began to shuffle the cards expertly. His hands handled the cards quickly yet smoothly and delicately, Tsuna thought he was of a lower rank than Akashi at that moment. He often does not exude professionalism.

Time went really slowly as they played the game. Their hearts were not in the game but at the door, waiting for the people to arrive.

The first to arrive was the group of student council members. There were many new faces in the group but, who cares? The duo took it as a cue to stop and took their positions. Akashi sat on the chair while Tsuna hid.

"Kaichou, why did you call for us?" One brave soul asked. Akashi faced him and just stared, but it left the male quaking in his shoes. Tsuna laughed aloud mentally, he could feel the fear.

"I'll show you the reason when Mibuchi Reo arrives-"

"I'm here, Sei-chan!"

"Oh good." Akashi stood up and kicked Tsuna from behind the chair, earning a loud yelp of pain. The bunch of students started shifting while Reo's eyes glittered in joy.

"This is our real Kaichou. Sawada Tsunayoshi." Akashi declared and yanked the poor boy up. He was replied with confused looks. Taking a hint, he looked at Tsuna, only to see Natsuyoshi.

"Isn't that Natsuyoshi-kun? Did you mess something up?" Akashi glared at the "blond", nothing for him to change back.

Tsuna pouted. "But I was having fun!" Followed by a harsh blow on his head by Reo, much to both second year heads' surprise. "Knock the illusion off, Sawada Tsunayoshi. No one defies me." The blow was too much for Tsunayoshi and the illusion broke, letting everyone see a brunet with sharp orange eyes.

"And here I thought I was the only one so far. I'm a record holder. Even your father needs to obey my commands at times; that means you too." Tsuna retorted, deepening his scowl. Akashi smacked his head again and pushed him forward.

At that moment, the female members that has met him before squealed and tackled the brunet. "Tsunayoshi-kaichou!" Said male blinked again and screeched. "Hiee! Space! Space! Seijuuro, save me!" However, Akashi just smiled evilly.

"Hold on. If the blond Natsuyoshi was an illusion earlier, does it mean that Tsunayoshi-kaichou and Natsuyoshi is the same person?"

And the three basketball players thought it was obvious enough.

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