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September 4th, 2015. 7:50 am.

"You're going to be late," my Mom says calmly as I rush around the house. School starts in twenty minutes and I just woke up nearly twenty seconds ago.

"I can see that," I say frustratedly. Mom hands me ten dollars for lunch money and I grab it as I slide past. It's the first day of school and I'm already late. I rush outside as fast as I can, nearly tripping over our trash cans.

"V hyung! What are you doing?" I hear the familiar voice of my next door neighbour shout. I turn and watch as Jimin steps out of his car.

"I'm late for school!" I shout, continuing my pace. As I continue running, Jimin's car idly rolls along side me, a grin plastered on his face. I stop running momentarily, my chest rising and falling.

"Do you want a ride?" he asks and I nod shamefully, hopping into the front seat of his car. He starts driving once again and I wipe the small glaze of sweat off of my forehead.

"I'm picking up Yoongi so when we get to his house you're getting in the back," Jimin says and I sigh, running a hand through my hair. This is why I never ride to school with Jimin. He's always making me late because he has to pick up his stupid boyfriend.

"Why can't he sit in the back?" I question and Jimin scoffs.

"Yoongi would kick your ass if you ever tried to make him sit in the back," Jimin states and I open my mouth to object before he shoots me a look. I can't deny the truth. We pull up to the familiar white house and I watch Yoongi's smile quickly turn into a frown when he sees me. I roll down my window as he approaches the car and he glares at me.

"You don't have to act tough around me, I already know you're a softy," I say teasingly and Yoongi's glare turns demonic. I gulp slightly and Jimin laughs at me.

"You're in my seat," he says and I sigh and hop into the back. Yoongi jumps into the car and Jimin leans over and pecks his cheek, making him blush. He looks away from me so I can't see his rosy cheeks and I roll my eyes.

"You've both made me late for class," I state and Yoongi flips his middle finger at me. Jimin chuckles softly and grips onto his lover's fingers, holding his hand as we drive. Yoongi and Jimin both have homeroom ten minutes after me so they still have ten minutes to spare. Myself on the other hand, my homeroom starts in two minutes and we're at least five away from school.

I hop out of the moving vehicle as we enter the parking lot and run straight inside. There are luckily still a few kids in the hallway as I make my way calmly to homeroom, trying to regain my composure. I smile at the other students I pass by and I wave at some of the girls. They all know I'm gay but I guess it's the fact that they can't have me that makes them want me more. As I reach my homeroom hallway I run straight into someone, knocking them down.

"Ah! Sorry," I grumble, kneeling down to help him pick up his books. His eyes are wide and he looks panicked. I pick up all his books and help him off the ground. He takes his books from me sheepishly and makes eye contact with me briefly before rushing away. I watch him leave, curious as to who he is. I brush myself off and walk into my homeroom class, grinning when I spot my best friend.

"Taehyung!" Hoseok shouts and I smile happily as I walk over. He ruffles my hair quickly as I place my things down onto the floor.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2015 ⏰

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