Ch. 26 Calina

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Calina used her speed to stay just ahead of the vampire chasing her but only far enough ahead to keep the chase on. Somehow she wanted this chase to continue. She tried to process the reasoning, did she expect something at its ending? That didn't feel right. She almost believed a part of her felt during it, and she wanted more. 

When the vampire stopped and turned she circled and watched his retreat. She understood his unwillingness to keep chase. She too felt the prickly warning of sunrise calling her to duck into the shadows. But she would have chased him until her end.

Her mind spun with possibilities of starting again when night fell. Finally Luka had noticed. Finally he was on her path. The air of the vampire behind her had reeked of Luka and something more. Something familiar tugging at her mind. She followed her pursuer from afar. Somehow she needed the connection he had with her past. She watched him duck into a building by the docks. Looking over his shoulder for trouble or perhaps the first light of sun.

She would be here at dusk to find him again, and perhaps this time meet him face to face. She would be sure her memory was jogged before she killed him. And she would kill him. Not because of the chase, that was a gift. Not even because she feared he would catch her, but because he served Luka.

As she passed along the streets toward her underground hide away she can't stop herself from finding out what was happening inside her now abandoned home. Now that the hunters had found her in her tiny apartment she would no longer be shackled to the lies of pretending. She would miss the hot water and the safety of the closet. But she needed no comfort. Things were underway and soon she would be free of it all.

She smelled humans near, inside the house with the blind woman no doubt. No fear, but something flavorful lingered in the air. Her ears tried to pick up voices but between the hum of energy and the peeking sunlight the screaming of her own body refused to let her focus.

A man and woman exited the old woman's house together. His hand rested on the small of her back as they walked toward the car. There was an energy between them Calina couldn't decipher or comprehend. The man walked to the drivers side of the car and stopped to look at the house. In the first rays of morning Calina could clearly see his face. His jaw clenching and eyes focused on something she couldn't see. Calina stayed statue still despite her senses telling her to flee. It wasn't until the car was moving into the distance that she allowed herself to move.

It seemed odd. She feared no human. They were weak and pathetic serving only one purpose. Food. She had an instant thought then of making her way into the small white home and feeding on the old woman. She no longer needed her cover. Her blindness no longer served Calina. She would be an easy meal for the day. She didn't need to eat, she could go for days on just the girl she had last night. But it was a perfect opportunity to both feed and assure that further questions could not be answered.

If only she had more time. The sun was getting stronger and Calina could feel her skin beneath her clothing heating and drying. She weighed her options. The woman would be there. And from what she could see old people were like children. Seldom believed, but more of a disposable source. She wondered if the taste would be different after all that those years lived. All those experiences. Perhaps they were a very satisfying meal.

She found herself beneath the tunnels and let her mind wander where it would while she remained perfectly still in body. Thoughts thick and murky led her back to being imprisoned. Sitting in that room. Waiting for her end at last. The smell of vampire blood thick and pungent. Her judge standing before her. Those dark eyes boring into hers. As if searching for a soul he knew wasn't there.

Calina's body trembled. She reached her mind deeper into the memory. The judgement vampire! He was the hunter who now chased her down. Her mind whirled and tingled. The constant hum lost in a frenzy of clips from memories flooding into her being. He cast her out, exiled her, refused her plea for release. And now he was back to fix his mistake. Calina felt herself smile. She put her hand to her mouth to trace the image that had been dormant but has now occurred twice in one day. All because of Luka's mystery vampire partner.

Her nails peeled off a flake of skin from her forearm. She cast it aside. She began working on the ways she would make this vampire pay. His death would not be quick or merciful. She would make him suffer as much as she had since being thrown in the street, and more.

As she conjured images of possible situations the image of the dark haired vampire kept returning. Something else lay there. Just below the murky level. Calina's skin hummed and tingled with alert. She could see his face so clearly, in a wooden chair. But everything else swam away from clarity. Whatever it was he would tell her as he begged for his ending as she had begged for hers. Although she would deliver justice and perhaps even kindness at this encounter. He would get what she would make him beg for. And his death would be sweet.

Believe it or not this chapter was incredibly difficult.  Calina's muted feelings make it hard to covey situations and I am almost her opposite where I think feelings are the story. Hmmm maybe her curse is my phobia (mind blown!). 
Have you already figured out the vision she is unable to grasp about Dinitri?!?! 
If so, what are you feeling??

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