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First off let me say thank you to everyone who survived my life in the last book.
But first, there are some rules.
No being rude. At all.
•No bullying. If I catch you, I will block, and report you. This is supposed to be fun.
•Do not request art. I can't draw, and if I do post a picture of something that I drew then it was just because (1)I was bored. Or (2) I just felt like it.
•If you want to recommend a book, please do it politely.
•no food or drink in the comments at all times. Just Kidding. Eat all you want. I don't care, :)
•Have fun!

Credit goes to Mary_The_Cat_Dragon for the fabulous cover!

RANTS:The returnOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant