Chapter 2

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I managed to scavenge some food, it wasn't a lot but anything would be helpful to my survival. I was running out of places close by to scavenge but as I've been here for a few years...This town treated me well. I knew that there wasn't anyone else here but me- or I just haven't seen them yet but it's lasted a while. Now I had to think about where else I could scavenge that will leave me enough time to get back home.

The darkness was drawing in early tonight which worried me. I just hoped that I had enough time to get back without being killed, with that thought I headed off home.

I kept my path in the light, avoiding the shade just incase they lunge and launch me into the pitch black alleyways. The monsters would be out by now, lurking and waiting for their prey...Me. They could smell the fear running through me and hear my heart trying to jump out of my chest. This fear never did fade after two years, mind you, no one wants to die.

I heard something rattle to my right and turned my head to see a tin can being rolled towards me. There wasn't any wind tonight, which only meant I wasn't alone. I continued walking, picking up my pace but still keeping my eye on the right side of me.

I heard hisses, growls and a wicked laughter that sent shivers down my spine. Even though I was protected at my house I didn't want them to follow me and take the risk.

All of a sudden I heard a scream from the same place the growls came from and I bolted forwards trying to get home as soon as I could. They wanted to scare me, they wanted to rip through me. What if I was the only human in this area and they were all after me? I could see my house from here now. I daren't have any hope that I'd make it to the door, the shadows were closing in as the light began to fade. I left it too late, I'm going to die!

I couldn't slow down quick enough and slammed into my front door, luckily not breaking it open. I grabbed my keys and jammed them into the lock, opening it and falling in kicking the door shut. I started panting whilst staring at the door in horror.

Knock, knock, knock.

I was frozen in place. Terror overpowered my body and all I could do was stare. My mouth parted slowly but it was dry and painful.

"Go. Away" I tried to sound confident but it came out weak and cowardly. Luckily I left the lights on before I left this morning so if they did come in they'd be burnt to a crisp. I managed to get back control of my legs and arms and started to crawl backwards.

"Let me in" I heard a voice from the other side of the door and searched around frantically for a weapon. I didn't like to take chances, I had to have more than one plan.

"If you come in here you'll be burnt to a crisp!" I threatened and heard a fist pound against my front door.

"You don't understand. Let me in or you'll die!" I could just make out a feminine voice through the growls she made. "You're not alone!" It was like she was warning me? I stood up slowly just as the lights went out. I froze again, the generator had enough fuel in it to last me up to two nights? The only way other way it would cut out is if someone messed with it or turned it off...

The front door flew open and I felt a gust of wind pass me. Behind me I heard snarls and thumps. I turned around and squinted my eyes trying to see what was happening but no such luck. I felt another gust of wind and the door slammed shut.

"Got a light?" I heard the same female voice whisper as I felt paralyzed with fear. "Well?" I could tell she was in front of me now. She felt through my pockets until she found a lighter. She lit it and all of a sudden I could see her face. Her red eyes, white pale skin and glowing brown hair. "I think you need to sit down Gerard" She smiled at me and I felt my knees go, my eyes rolled back and I fell into the darkness.

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