The Victim

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Lights flashing, machines beeping, I can't feel my body even though it's moving, somehow without me trying, moving, and falling down the dark and endless pit which I know so well. I hear a siren wailing somewhere and I open my eyes in a flash, probably shouldn't have done that, now my eyes hurt, as I look around me I see that I am in ambulance. 


What happened? How did I get here? 

The ambulance jolted to a stop. Ugh! My body hurt all over. I feel that I am being pushed out of the ambulance; it hurts so much everything is blurred out, can't see a thing, then everything went black. 

I wake up with a ring in my ears, my head hurts, a lot. I open my eyes and all I see is white, whiteness everywhere. Am I in heaven? I look around me and I see flowers on top of a drawer and on my bedside, I wonder who sent those? I thought to myself. I look to my right and see my mother sleeping with her head on the bed, her arms covering her head. I figured it is not my mother, she would never be here, I think that it is Jo, my sister her name is Josephine, she prefers Jo and I am Chuck Asder, I think it is Jo because mum would never be here. I decided to go back to sleep since nothing makes sense yet, and my body hurts all over. 


I try to open my eyes, I open them and Whoa! The lights, they are too bright. I look around me, things look so much clearer, like I am wearing a pair of 3D glasses. I try to prop myself on the pillows, a very painful process, then I feel hands on my shoulder, "take it easy", I look over and I see that it is my mum. 

I don't mean to sound rude but I'm going to ask her anyway, I got to know, "mum, What you doing here? What do you want?" 

"chuck, please, I have been here, ever since the incident, which is like five days now, with only one thing on my mind, to see you wake up and walking out of here. To answer you first question I am here because... because I thought that I had lost you" 

I think she was about to cry. "Mum, where is dad? He is at work isn't he? I thought as much". 

"No, baby, I sent him to go get us some coffee, he left because I forced him to, though he didn't want to go", "and Joseph?" I asked her, "Joseph, oh, she is at school, she wanted to stay too, but she will be here once she hears you have waken up" 

"Oh, okay", I look around me and I see new flowers, more than last time, "Who sent those?" 

"Oh, these, the neighbors, relatives who couldn't make it here, your friends and teachers from school" 

"But I have no friends", I told her. 

"You'd be surprised how many, you have, my dear", she told me, and I am surprised, because I talk to no one else but myself, at school and at home. "Um, mum what are you doing?", "I'm just texting your father that you're awake, and for him to come over quickly with Jo" 

"So, mum, how long have I been unconscious?" I'm asking because I have to know what day and time it is today. "You have been in sleep mode for five days now, before I forget to tell you, some of your friends said they would come to check on you again, they've been hare almost every day, they said they would be here after school ends.". I feel so warmed. 

"Mum, what time is it? I'm hungry" "It is 10 O'clock now. I will just go get you some food from the hospital cafeteria, just stay awake, okay". I nodded, and she walked out of the room. I look around the room again and this time I noticed something, the window was open, and so were the curtains, and sunlight was pouring in, it looks so beautiful, like a one colored rainbow. 

"I got you your food, are you okay", man, she startled me, "Yeah I'm fine, just thinking" "Okay, just don't think too hard okay, here eat". 

She brought me some tuna sandwiches, so good. I'm sure that I didn't breathe when I was eating because, I took a very deep breath after I finished eating, probably because it is the first thing I have eaten in five days. "Whoa calm down, you must've been very hungry, considering the fact that you haven't eaten in five days", "You have no idea" "You're sister called she said that they are on their way here, they will be here in 10 minutes, okay", I just nodded, I'm surprised that Jo would skip school to come and see me. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2013 ⏰

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