Satanic belief

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Satanism is not atheistic nor is it theistic. Here we're spiritual and this is where Satan is lord of the earth and father of the gentiles. Satan invites us to become gods like his demons Alloce, Belial, Andras, Furfer, Beelzebub, and more.

See... The being called "god" even "Jesus Christ" are very fictitious characters of Christ-thology and the religions made by the juden has hindered spiritual progress in many gentiles. (let me explain that gentiles are people that are not Jews)

We believe the gods are not evil but there are some gods that actually are and they're enemies of Satan. Other enemies of Satan are "greys" "angels" and "reptillians" beings that wish to ruin the world. Jews are not exactly the good people that the average person says they're. Jews lie, cheat, murder, rape, and more aweful crimes... They're aweful as hu- I cannot even call them humans because they act like parasites but I will explain about them in a later page explaining world war II and the Jews.

SATANISM is not about spooks, monsters, destruction, etc... It is more about the joy of Satan and the gods, the gods who would grant us help when we need it, now its not all about "me me me me" there has to be a give and damn well sure. Satanism isn't about selfishness, there is being able to receive and give unlike the laveyan belief.

We're law abiding, not meant to harm this world or be the most evil we can. WE DON'T EVEN BELIEVE IN SIN

This gives you more freedom.

6000 years predating Judaism and Christianity, sin was not even a concept... It was all moral codes that had right side thinking and so science was better, people were better, the world was better.

The true cultish evil is what would happen in the Vatican and some of those churches and do not get me started on the holy Inquisition... Anyways this is introduction.

We meditate, we work towards the embetterment of the earth and ourselves. Hail Satan, wait for chapter 2 explaining the astral, earth, and the gods.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2015 ⏰

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