Chapter 3

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I was putting my last few boxes into the moving van and I heard someone say my name, I quickly turned around to see Riley there. "Hey..." Was all I could manage to say. I was nervous after we kissed a couple of days ago I have been a completely different person around him. "I thought I would come say bye before you left." He said with a smile "Oh" I couldn't help but sound disappointed. "Mckenzie! We're leaving." My mom yelled. I looked at Riley with sorry eyes and I walked away I could see him watch me with a sad expression but as soon as he saw me glance at him he started to blush. As we pulled into a gorgeous 2 story house my mom asked "Do you like it?" I quickly shook my head yes.

"Mckennzie! We are leaving." Her mom yelled and she looked at me with her beautiful blue eyes and walked away. Her eyes glanced at me and I blushed knowing she caught me staring at her. I walked to my car and got a text I looked down at it to see a text from my best friend Jake.
Jake: hey loser. Meet me at the mall in 30 min
Me: fine. I have nothing better to do.
Jake: stop being a buzzkill your ruining my mood-_-
I saw this and laughed

*an hour later*
"Sorry, for running late." I said as I walked up to Jake. When I looked up I realized why he wanted to go to the mall. He was sitting with two really hot girls across from him. I recognized them from school. He looked up and saw me "Hey bro" he said as I sat in the seat next to him. "Hey" is all I managed to say, I'm not necessarily in a great mood because after I finally got the guts to talk to Mckennzie she had to move.
He introduced me to the two girls the one that was across from him was Britney and she had long brown hair that was blond at the tips, she had green eyes and a slightly crooked smile. The one across from me was named Leah, she had black hair that went down to her shoulders. She had light grey eyes that were not nearly as pretty as Mcken- I can't think of here I stopped myself. I looked at Leah and said "You are really pretty." She smiled and said"thank you." With a small smile on her face We continued to talk until I looked at my watch and it was 8:30, my mom is going  to kill me. My curfew  was is 7:40 call me a goody-goody but I don't like getting in trouble. I took at my phone and saw
32 new messages from mom
27 missed calls from mom
27 new voicemails from mom
I Quickly texted her
Me: hey I lost track of time be home soon I will explain then
two minutes later it said that it was read. I rushed home as fast as I could.

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