Chapter 3

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I sit at my desk twirling my pen in my fingers as I stare at a photo framed on my desk. My mother's picture set within the edges of the silver frames. 

I continue to stare at the lost image of my beloved mother before that monster killed her. My mind suddenly drifts off and I begin to think of Maria. He brown waves, innocent eyes, and captivating scent envelops me into my own state. 

Mother would have loved her. I thought to myself.

A knock at the door disrupts my peace.

Paul's shiny head pops over the door, "Mr. Mancini-" he only ever uses that to address me when we are in business, "Mr. Boldari is here with me. "

"Send him in." I ordered.

Within five seconds I see the same short, dark curled hair, and pudgy body of the restaurant owner I had encountered hours before.

"Have a seat Signor Boldari." I requested in a less commanding tone. The man seemed kind and understanding.

Signor Boldari takes a seat slowly and then meets my eyes steadily.

"Signor Mancini." He acknowledged me. I nod in response giving him a small smile.

I set the pen I had continued to twirl on my mahogany desk and lean forward.

"I think we both know why I summoned you today signor but I just wanted to be frank and let you understand my intentions."

"You think I don't know?" He replied fast and in anger.

"Know?" I try to remain calm.

"I was a young man too once Signor Mancini and I know how young men in this day and age perceive women. But my daughter is only a child! A beautiful, innocent, and clueless girl! How do you think that makes a father feel to know that a man years beyond her age and as powerful as you will take her away?" He asked.

I take a few moments and lean back in my seat before I respond.

"The only reason you head isn't on a stick right now is because I respect you signor. You're daughter  simply intrigues me, she is unlike the rest of the brainless female population. I do not just plan to toy around with her. I plan to make her mine one day." I reply simply.

Signor Boldari looks at me as if I had grown three heads. The anger that once consumed his face is now replaced with shock and confusion.

"But Signor Mancini-"

"Call me Damien." I added.

"Signor Damien, I thought a man of your age and stature would want to wait for such a, such a-"

"commitment?" I tease a smile sneaking up to my face.

The old man nods.

I pause and stand up to wonder around my window.

"Signor Boldari, I am twenty three years old. Rich, powerful, some would say feared, but respected. And i respect your daughter sir. Though I understand she is only sixteen I would like to propose a deal."

I look to meet Signor Boldari's eyes.

"I am young, and so is your beautiful daughter. And I respect your wish to have her wait. Therefore....I say when the time comes and she has become a grown woman, and I am ready to settle down. I will come for her. I will treat her well signor no worries about that, she will be my queen and you and your family will be well respected."

"How can you promise that?" He asks.

I smirk, "In return for your blessing, I shall make sure that no one will ever mess with your family, you all will be taken care of, I shall start by paying off your business debt and future finances for your restaurant."

Signor Bolder doesn't say anything for a few moments. I lean back on my desk in for of him.

After a while he holds out his hand, I take it, and he places a kiss upon the ring on my index finger.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2015 ⏰

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