Summer Love

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Chapter One

You've just arrived at the pub in Camden, London for the open Mic night that evening. Mic nights were your favourite way of finding new artists and hearing songs acoustic with no editing just the act, their instruments and their voices. Your summer had just begun and your by the canal with your three best friends, you've just sat down at a picnic table being careful not to get your skirt stuck. The place was starting to fill up so you headed to the bar to get your drinks before it was too busy that's when you noticed the handsome boy standing there waiting to be served. From as far as you could tell he was on his own and had light brown that was slightly messed up, he wore skinny low slung jeans despite it being 22 degrees outside and a white t-shirt sleeves rolled up to show his muscular upper arms which seemed toned and incredibly strong, he wore blue TOMs on his feet. You sort of recognised him from somewhere and knew you liked him. Your day-dream came to an end when all of a sudden the bar tender asked what you would like to drink.

"Can I have a jug of Pimm's and Lemonade with four glasses, please? You asked politely.

"Yeah sure, but can I see your ID first?" You showed the bar tender your identification and waited for your drinks. He came back soon after you thanked him and you made your way back to your friends.

You soon found them and sat down dishing out the drinks and talking amongst yourselves when you had seen the boy sit down near the stage that was erected at the far end of the garden next to the fence protecting people from falling into the canal.

"Anna, what are you staring at all of a sudden?" Your friend Lucy had asked looking towards where your attention was drawn too.

"Oh nothing, I was looking at the canal it seems awfully high for this time of year" You replied.

"Come on Anna forget about Uni and Work. Were sat in a beer garden in Camden Lock looking over the canal enjoying the sun and there's you on a day-dream on whether or not the place is going to flood." My other friend Mia butted in.

"You should know she can't switch off guys we've known her long enough." Olivia had told them.

"You know what you're all right I should forget about everything once and a while. We're young, we're free and single now let's have this Pimm's. I've been dying for it all day!" You said taking a massive mouthful of your favourite summer drink.

You looked around at your friends admiring each of their individual styles, you and Lucy were boho/indie mixing in the cool with the comfort, you could always swap clothes and because you lived together often you would both pick clothes each of you would wear. You had on a high-lo grey marl skirt with a white t-shirt which showed your toned stomach and silver gladiator sandals and grey clutch. Lucy had a floaty floral maxi-dress on with a huge amount of bangles and peach wedges. Whilst, Olivia was tailored with her city shorts and wedged heels being a key feature in the summer months and Mia was the romantic one of the group, floaty skirts and maxi dresses all summer long.

"Could everyone please grab a drink and take their seats, the first act is about to hit the stage." The bar tender who served you announced whilst you and your friends were talking.

"Ok, ladies and gentlemen this is Callum Andrews, he's from Reading and here to play some tracks off his upcoming EP."

The boy started to play his music and the crowd around started to engage with the melody that was playing. The music was soft soulful with a folk twist, the kind of music you would listen to when it's warm and balmy and you were in Devon or Cornwall close to the beach relaxing with a good book. Callum finished his set and the next act came on stage.

"Omg, it's him, it's him. Girl's look it's him!" You kept on saying to the girls.

"What do you mean, it's him?" Lucy asked you confused, and then she recognised him herself. "Oh right, now that's who you've been staring at all evening isn't it." She questioned. You blushed immediately and she knew from then on you liked this mysterious handsome stranger.

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