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Hey my awesome readers thank you for reading my book or giving it a chance. Also Marching season is over so I will have more time to write and update this book more often :)

Catherine's POV

It seemed like days,weeks months or even years sense I've been here. Blake comes in and has his ways with me and leaves a crying me in the floor. He's insulted me and abused me physically and emotionally yet I still look at him with hope in my eyes wishing this wasn't who he really was. A monster. Every hit I received made me lose any type of hope I had of him being a different person.

I wished he did this to push me away but sadly every passing day that goes by tells me something different. He is who he is a cruel alpha and sadly I'm stuck with him. He's become more aggressive and I can't help but feel that if he won't reject me he might as well end up killing me.

I'm currently cleaning his room .... You heard it I'm his personal fucking toy and I'm a freaking maid. Not that I'm complaining I prefer cleaning his room and parts of the pack house than being stuck in the room I was staying at. I felt sick and tired of living the way I did, my life went from bad to worser in just a few days.

You know I remember one time he slapped me for talking to Katy a omega that was helping me wash his clothes. He said I quote " you nasty filthy bitch cannot talk to an omega, for your status an omega is higher. "

"But she was just helping me out to wash your clothes Blake"

I guess he didn't like me calling him by his name that he slapped me.
" you don't call me by my name .. You address me as 'AlPHA '. DO YOU FUCKING UNDERSTAND ,ITS ALPHA TO YOU"

His words were always harsh and it did affect me many times at night I just thought of the idea of suicided but my wolf whimpered telling me she had hope, so I stopped. I was to weak and I would just die slowly letting Blake and the rest see how he killed his mate.

Gosh I'm a disaster.

My life was a never ending tunnel but my life would get worser.

{ 3 POV }
[extra] #SneakPeak

Catherine thought to herself .... What if she ran away. Escaped the hell she now lived in. She felt the need to run and be free, all she wanted was her life& freedom something she didn't and couldn't have with Blake. As the new personal maid Catherine had learned every inch of the pack house of course she wasn't allowed outside but she had an idea to run away.

She had done once why not twice she was aware of the beast of a mate  she had and of course she was terrified but Catherine had gone through a lot to care if he ended killing her or if she died in the process all she cared about was the hope she had. Hope she would be free to run the woods, free to let her wolf out.

Catherine wanted to feel the cool air pass through her fur as fall was soon to come.

She was determined to escape and let the fates be on her favour.



Guys their is still no official cover for this book but again remember to vote comment or share it if you like again the first version is pretty lame to me but if you like it go on and read it.

Love addie ❣

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