So, what now?

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Well, you could guess what happened next. Normal, everyday things. Got my sister up and all that goodness. Ate breakfast and Pluto and I started walking to school.

Everyday, normal stuff. When i got to school i just talked and did work... the strangest thing happened up next though... everything repeated itself. Everything happened the same and not a thing changed.

I kept thinking to myself and wondered what was going on, i really didn't get it or understand and every time i tried to change  something i just went back a few minuets and everything started over... i don't get what was... well is... going on.

That is how my talks with Pluto happened, he at least  listened to me and nothing went back or anything. So we talked... and talked... and eventually i started feeling insane.

My brain felt like mush and I always felt tired. I started feeling loopy and eventually started walking strange. This happened with everyone else as well.

On that note, my friends and whoever is reading this, like really why would you read this.. the title is weird and the picture is of Pluto and I... WAIT, I KNOW! You're probably really bored and went to the... you know... scary part of Wattpad....


Back to the story, sorry got off topic. So ya, I basically became a zombie, and so did everyone else. Brain? Didn't need one to function. Body ran on pure will power and wanted food all the time. When everyone ate all the food in the house they started buying out all the food in the store. After the store... well... it got messy.  People either ate themselves or ate other people, which by the way most people ate other people.

Dog eat dog world, ya know? Eating another persons brain made it so that you could live again. made you feel alive, so you simply wanted.. no... NEEDED more! You need to be alive forever! You wanted your old life back. But by eating more brains you had that persons... um.. memories. Things you know didn't happen did!

So... the  apocalypse happened by boredom i guess? This is from my point of view though, go ask Bob he might know something I don't, I'm just here for your entertainment. By the end of this, perhaps you might have a different idea on the human race.

I smirked at myself for having another  strange conversation with myself. Pluto, still a dog, was by my side walking down the streets of who knows where and, of course, by the urge of hunger and the need for flesh another... zombie... attacked him. Pluto being my best friend didn't know what to do so i fought for him.

In the end i always won. I was... eating... not gonna go into detail, and started having another urge of needing to be alive. The power of hunger is strong. It will make you do anything. Once, long ago, i thought that Pluto didn't look half bad myself... but i put in my head that i was never, ever, going to eat him. The real problem though is that there are some survivors that kill the zombies with no regret. Don't get me wrong i would kill myself if i could but... I.just.won't.die!

Ya, i have tried a few times but who would protect Pluto if i was gone? In the end I need to be here. It's for the best, that I am. I dragged the feet, not wanting to, down the street after i was done. Pluto had that stupid bottle in his mouth still.

I have a lot of time to think, and i don't have any track of time anymore, it just didn't matter. I don't know where or who anyone was. Everyone looked so... strange. The skin was now off of us mostly. Fire has no effect what so ever. and, if a body part was gone, we just had to find a way without it.

Now back to the point on the lovely survivors. they aren't the best. They only can kill us with there guns and willpower. but for some reason, they cant kill me. I guess i have not much control over my body anymore but i guess after that i don't have much to loose. 

But i am a mindless walking... zombie. Nothing will change about that.

I just think though. all the time. and Pluto has nothing but scraps from people to eat and this life is just not worth living.

well, what now?

Jason's final wordsWhere stories live. Discover now