Hetalia x Reader

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Alright guys, I have been OBSESSED with an anime called Hetalia for the past few months and I absolutely love it! I have also been on deviantart recently (for the past 2 months) reading submissions for Hetalia. I've also, by reading those, have come up with several ideas for a reader insert! (sorry, only for girls. No guys yet) But anyways, This is my first reader insert, so I hope you like it! If you don't, message me or comment s'il vous plait! Thanks! 


Before I begin this Hetalia x Reader story, if you have never heard of Hetalia before, there are a few things you should know.

Hetalia consists of people who are the personified versions of any of the countries, including modern day countries and ancients. Most of them do not get along very well, like the Axis and Allies. I can say the same with Greece and Turkey. They are always arguing. I am going to include (somewhat) brief descriptions of some of the countries in this story that will be included. This will be edited as I see fit and how the story runs.

EDIT 7/17/14 : THIS INFORMATION IS NOT ACCURATE. I REPEAT, IT IS NOT ACCURATE. I took some of this information off of fansites, so if there is something missing, comment and I'll see if I can fix it eventually! Thanks guys!


America: 5'8, appears in the anime looking 19 years old, but in reality much older. He has blond hair with a strange cowlick, and blue eyes. He wears glasses and a bomber jacket, and is always referring to himself as the Hero. He is cheerful and powerful, and cannot sense the mood like Japan, and has a habit of interrupting people. Has a brother, Canada . He has an alien best friend named Tony, who communicates by cussing (don't ask) His human name is Alfred F Jones.

England: 5'7, appears in the anime looking 23 years old, again, much older. He has blond hair, green eyes, and really, really, thick eyebrows. He is called a Tsundere by Japan. He was a former delinquent. He likes cooking, but everything comes out looking the exact opposite of what it should look like. He has bad drinking habits, and likes black tea. He is always arguing with France or yelling at America.  He can also see things that other countries cannot, like Flying Mint Bunny. His human name is Arthur Kirkland.

France: 5'7, appears looking 26 years old. Has long blond hair, blue eyes, and a stubble on his chin. Being the country of love, he is constantly flirting with other countries or girls in general. He also likes to argue with Britain. France is also one of the Bad Touch Trio, consisting of himself, Spain, and Prussia. He always brags about his country and loves anything beautiful. His human name is Francis Bonnefoy.

China: 5'4, he is considered immortal, because his age is unknown. He has long brown hair tied back in a ponytail, brown eyes, and has a love for cute things like pandas. He raised Japan and all the other Asian countries (no racism intended!!) but is never treated like an older brother. He is very good at drawing and likes to make vacation homes wherever he goes. He also has a habit of saying "aru" after each sentence. His human name is Yao Wang.

Russia: 5'10, his age is unknown. A rather large, vodka loving country. Russia has short greyish-brown hair and violet eyes. He has a childish face, but easily scares off other countries because of it. He controls the Baltic States, (Estonia, Lithuania, and Latvia) and is terrified of his younger sister, Belarus. His choice of weapon is a faucet pipe, and he is never seen without his large scarf given to him by his older sister, Ukraine. He loves sunflowers, and he asks everyone to become one with him. His human name is Ivan Braginski.


Italy: 5'6, appears looking 20 years old. Also known as North Italy, or Italy Veneziano. A cheerful Italian who loves pasta and women. He is also a crybaby. He relies on Germany to save him, and loves painting and cooking. He is the opposite of his brother, South Italy, or Romano. Italy has light brown hair, golden eyes, and a mysterious curl coming from the left side of his head. He sometimes makes a sound that sounds like "Ve~" His human name is Feliciano Vargas.

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