Harry's P.O.V.
I walked into her room. Her room was really clean, only a few things on the floor. I looked around and saw one thing that caught my eye; a notebook that has purple and blue stripes on it. Hmm a diary maybe?
I smirked victoriously as I walked towards it. I grabbed the notebook and flipped it open to the first page.
'November 8, 2012
My mood: Confused and angry
Why am I even doing this? This is so stupid. I shouldn't have to write about my moods and why they're changing. Why do I even need a therapist? I hope my mom realizes that I'm not talking to a stranger about my feelings when I don't even trust her enough to talk about my feelings. There's actually no one I trust now. Dad's gone, I don't know who to talk to anymore. I have a few friends that I'm close to but I'm not close enough to them. I need to meet someone who I can trust, maybe they'll understand. My mom doesn't even understand the half of it.'
I frowned and flipped the next page. What is she on about? Maybe there is a reason why she's so grouchy.
'November 14, 2012
My mood: Overwhelming anger
There is no way I'm writing in this damn thing everyday. It's a waste of my time! I'm going to stop going to the therapist. And I am not moving! What is wrong with my mom? First she forces me to go to a therapist and now she's trying to make me move? Not happening. This house is one of the only things I have that hold memories of me and my dad, I'm not losing it. Screw that.'
This girl has a temper. Although its kind of funny how demanding she is. I read the next entry which was rather short.
'December 3, 2012
Mood: Relaxed
My mom and I finally got the basement fixed up. New wood flooring, new paint on the walls, everything I wanted to have in order to make my music room. For once my mom and I were happy, it felt nice. All I have to do now is get my piano and my guitars and guitar supplies down there and I'll be all good'
I smiled. She seems rather pleased. Sydney plays piano? Would not have guessed. The guitar part I could see by how nimble the tips of her fingers were but the piano part was a nice surprise. Even though it was rude and snoopy, I continued to read on.
'December 10, 2012
Mood: Happy
My music room is a success. I get to play my music and my mom can't hear it so I don't have anyone stopping me. The basement is huge, I definitely think making the other half of it a dance studio was a great idea. And the fact that I get the only key to the basement is amazing! Surprisingly enough I am loving life right now, I just have to see what curveball will be thrown at me next.'
I smiled and closed the book. I decided to stop reading on a good note. I walked out of her room and tried to find the basement. I walked downstairs and wandered into the hallway by the living room. I walked past a bathroom and a bedroom, must be the mother'a room. I think her name is Brandi. I saw a door at the end of the hallway. Maybe that will lead to the basement. I opened the door quietly and slowly in case there was something creepy behind the door. To my surprise there were stairs with carpet on them that led down to a room with purple and blue walls. I wonder what her favorite colors are.
I walked down the stairs quietly. There were lights on so I had no idea what to expect. I reached the bottom of the stairs and was surprised by what I saw.
Sydney's P.O.V.
*After leaving for the park*
I walked to the park and sat on the swings. Where is Sam? I pulled out my phone and looked at my last message.

Under Your Watchful Gaze
FanfictionShe's 18, she doesn't need a babysitter. Her mother is a widow with a delinquent child which is the perfect mix for an untrustworthy attitude towards people, including her daughter. Her daughter has two attitudes, the troublesome girl and the quiet...