My Outlook On MUSIC

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      For those of you who don't know me and have read my books I would like to tell you about myself, or rather a certain part of myself. So... Here I go.

       When I was an infant my family would always go camping, or fishing, or just wherever and my father would always play music. He would play all kinds of old school rock, or just anything old school really. He would play artists like Queen, Led Zeppelin, Journey, the Beach Boys, and a bunch of others. My father was in choir and theater when he was younger, and I guess you could say that I got my musical talent, and love of music from him.

        So growing up we always had music playing in my house, and I was always singing. But when I went into middle school I had been separated from my best friends. The only thing that got me through middle school was my music. I eventually joined a choir in middle school in the seventh grade and that is where my love for music grew. I fell in love with artists like Adele and Carrie Underwood and so many other amazing artists. I even started to appreciate classical, and now I can say that classical is one of my many favorites.

Last year was my first year in high school. I came in as an eager freshman, I was excited to seen my old friends again and I was excited to make new ones. Some of them are so special I used there names and personalities and put them in my story's. Last year I joined choir and drama. And I had a awesome experience getting to know my wonderful teachers. My choir teacher Mrs. Massey helps to inspire me everyday. And the other students in my class are wonderful. They all get it ya know?

Someone once asked me why i loved music so much and I told them that when I can't express myself music does it for me. It helps me poor out the inner most deepest parts of myself and it doesn't judge or ridicule. It flys me away to a better place. And when I'm listening to a really good song I zone out and it's almost like getting high. It numbs you until all you hear is the lyrics and the meaning that lies underneath. Music is so pure and so undefined, it's always progressing, and changing, but it's everlasting. It's something that will never die. There will always be music. Music is all around us. You will see it if you look closely enough. Everything and everyone can make music. And you know what the best part is? Nothing is the same! It's always different! And it's beautiful. Remember this.

"Music can change the world because it can change people."
Music changes me, it changes the way I think, the way I talk, it's a habit, it's like my lifeline. It's the only thing that keeps me SANE.
- Vivianne Varla

"We need more music in the world because music changes the world."
- Quote by me:Vivianne Varla

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