79 Through 85

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Okay, I haven't updated in a while, sorry my sweet babies. I'm gonna be honest with you, I'm not sure what I was doing on that last one, that was a last minute thing, but I hope you all still like it.

Remember, if anyone has any funny prompts or requests, feel free to ask me about them. I'd be happy to hear from you guys.

I'd also like to take the time to apologize for what I feel is a lack of funny in this chapter. Don't hate me.


Do You…? (High School AU)

She was that cute nerdy girl in our class; one of Kurosaki's little sisters.

She was the good-girl, the sweat heart, but a firecracker on the low.

And who would have thought that she smoked a little of the good stuff every once in a while. God forbid if her brother or her daddy ever found out. An abrupt laughed forced its way out of my chest accompanied by a soft plume of smoke and I took another drag while I reclined on the rooftop. Her eyebrow rose, her lips twitching in a suppressed smile. "Do you like drugs?" I asked, smirking lazily and she laughed. "Yeah, me too,"

But This is Hueco Mundo

A sunless world of sand and bone where the driving force is an insatiable hunger for power, and she has become a part of the struggle amidst the pull of baser instincts. But she is not a victim for she tears into the soft meat and tough sinew of flesh and solid bone with enough voracity to rival that of even the hungriest of hollows.

Hey, You!

"Hey, hey you!" A voice cried boisterously from a high balcony. Everyone within the vicinity paused, turning their attention to the small figure leaning precariously over the railing, hands cupped around her mouth. "You, yeah, you with the blue hair!"

The indicated espada looked up at her sharply, his mouth already forming into a grimace and the surrounding audience waited with baited breath as the young lady prepared to give her urgent message…

"Your face, I like that shit!"


Her eyes were glued to him, devouring his form while he pointedly ignored her. The Sixth Espada was rarely idle and when he was he often became inclined to sudden bouts of violence. His lips drew up in a sneer but this did nothing to deter her gaze. "The fuck are you staring at?" he snapped, teeth on display, his hand gripping the armrest of his chair so hard it wouldn't be long before it splintered into little pieces. He hated when people stared at him. It reminded him of people he needed to kill eventually…like Ulquiorra.

The thought of the Cuarta spiked his anger and a low growl rumbled from deep within his chest. The Brat still hadn't stopped. Grimmjow nearly lashed out at her, whether verbally or physically could not be determined, but she made him pause before his tirade could even begin. "That's a stupid question." She said, referring to his previous inquiry as she slid from the edge of the bed on which she had been seated and straddle his lap. He was then reminded of the reason why he usually didn't mind her staring so much. "I'm staring at you." She whispered. "Who else but you."

Eros & Apollo

'Girls, with a boy like that, it's serious~'

I knew it from the very start how dangerous he truly was.

'Senoritas~, don't follow him'

Maybe I should have listened but…

'Soon he will eat your hearts like cereals'

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