what had happen

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I followed the light nd my father God was there.


he said I responded back with a yes Father nd kneeled

God-your daughter needs u, nd...ur dead....

my heart dropped

God-its not no ones fault....that u r in dis position right now.....he daughter is crying saying ur name....u will go back to the world...to ur daughter...be safe.....nd I will always guide u.

Alexis-thank u Father

nd with dat I smiled....after about 10 minutes I opened my eyes. my vision was a little blurry. I turned my head nd saw my mom. nicki. nicki minaj. then I saw valentino in her arms.I turned my head the other way to see Ray, nelle, bry, prod,Prince, roc, nd prods gf all looking worried. I moved my arm up. nd my mom jumped.

nicki-omg! my daughter! she's awake, alive!

I knew I was in a coma. when she yelled everyone turned to me. Ray-baby!

I smiled. even though I am really mad, I am still married. he pecked me on my lips nd just looked at him. God told me it wasn't anyone's fault. the doctor came in nd said that I can go home. my mom signed me out nd we got to her car. I took Valentine nd smiled. she smiled back. at just 3 months old she could say my name nd smile......back....at me.

I got in d car nd so many things started coming in my head. is me nd Ray going to have a good relationship like we had? why all of a sudden my mom wants to be here? well I know y.....tour

....duh..why Ray nd nelle are not having a good relationship as sister nd brother? why did I- wait y don't they have a good sister nd brother relationship.....nd whatever it is they better alive it. nelle is not only my best friend but my sister in law.

Alexis-guys we need to solve a problem

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