Finding Princess

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Okay so this is just something I've been thinking about writing and I've finally done it, I cried whiles writing it and idk why I'm emotional but enjoy this one shot kinda thingy-

Song: Angels by the xx.


I'm in love with her, no matter how much she's done and put me through I'm utterly in love. In this apocalyptic world all we have is each other, that's all.

We made the wrong choices in life and here we are at three in the morning, laying in some broken down hotel that's not been used for years. My hand slowly tracing patterns on her neck. While she breathed slightly heavy. Her eyes shut, mouth slightly open with a barely audible snore.

Her perfect blonde hair, waist length, it was messy as she hardly cared about it. Her small fragile hands, she'd painted her nails black, I don't know where she'd found the nail varnish but she did.

Supplies in this world were limited, houses were no longer available, food was hard to get. The world as we knew it was ruined. By now the buildings had been covered in rust and dirt, the trees had overgrown, everyone had disappeared.

Nobody old enough now knows what happened to everything, I tried asking when my parents were alive but they told me to wait until I'm older. Unfortunately they didn't live long enough to tell me. So now its just me and her.

We had been together for so long, as long as I could remember. She saved me.

And I didn't even know her name.

After all these years I didn't know the beautiful angels name. I found her after I lost my parents, I was about eleven at the time. Somebody or something raided what we called home. I just remember flashing lights and my mother telling me to run whiles holding my brother Hayes.

I spent about a month alone, running, hiding, savaging any food I could find. It was around winter time, I was up in an abandoned hotel, id found a few old curtains, they were heavy and thick so it kept me warm. I had made a small fire, as usually I wouldn't set a fire so I didn't draw attention to myself. but tonight was freezing.

I must of fallen asleep because when I woke a huge pair of Blue eyes were shining in front of me. That was the first time I saw those perfect blue eyes.

After that we stayed together. She never really said anything. Usually just a nod or a squeal now and again.

Back to now, She had been bitten.

You see the seventeen years I've spent on this earth I have figured most of it out. Whatever destroyed it. Was turning the people insane, Sort of gone. It usually takes a month for the full transfer over to the darkness.

However my princess had only just been bit by a big great paid of white fangs.

Hurriedly I scooped her up bridal style and ran into what looked like an old ruined house, I set her down on the floor as she sobbed. I hadn't seen her cry like this before.

I thought fast and ripped her skinny jeans off her, the bite was on her ankle. I took my belt off and handed it too her;"Put it in your mouth baby it's going to hurt" I said grabbing some anti bacterial wipes out of my backpack, we had found these in an old drug store.

She let out a muffled scream as I pressed the wipe to the wound. She screamed out in pain as I cleaned the cut and wrapped a bandage around it, we had also found these in the drug store. We had picked up a lot of things on our travels, from broken stores and things.

Finding Princess^N.G (One Shot)Where stories live. Discover now