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I woke up to the sound of beeping, I slowly opened my eyes, which were stunned by the bright lights. "Oh my god! Brendan, you're awake, thank god! What were you thinking taking those pills, you could have died!" My mom was always a little over protective, but I guess waking up in a hospital room gives her the right to be. "I'll go get the doctor, he left a couple minutes ago" She got up and left the room. I tried to sit up but the IV in my hand prevented me from lifting my self up, so I sat in an uncomfortable position, dealing with it. I heard a knock at the door "Come in" I said. In walked a tall doctor with medium length brown hair, beautiful blue eyes, and a muscular body. "Hi, I'm doctor Richmond, nice to meet you" he held out his hand for me to shake it, I grasped his hand with mine and have it a firm shake. "So, can you tell me what you last remember?" his right eyebrow lifted as he looked at me. A cold chill ran down my spine as I began to talk. "I um, I got some pain killers, and I took them hoping to get high" He scribbled something down on his clipboard, looked up at me and asked "What kind of pain killers? Vicodin, oxycotin, hydrocodone, tramadol?"

"Hydros" I looked down at my lap in shame, and bit my lip. "Any thoughts of suicide or self harm?" I could tell he was concerned, you could hear it in his deep voice. "No, I just... I just wanted to get high." I felt a tear run down my face and my lip began to quiver. "Have you had any drug use in the past? If so, please tell me what drugs" I ran my hand through my hair and wiped the tears from my face. "I smoke marijuana often, I take hydros, I've done acid, extacy, and I've taken 4 xanax before." his eyebrows raised as he wrote on his clipboard. "Alright thank you, I will have a nurse come take your IV out and bring you some food, I'm sure you're hungry." he smiled and began to leave. "Thank you" I said. He turned around and smiled, and slowly shut the door.

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