The Collins Edward Semi

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Collins pov

," Oh Collins what am i going to do with you? Well you can start by coming with me to zac's party tonite everyone's whos anyone is gonna be there Jacky. Well not everyone since im not going Collins you know i don't like teenage house parties." I chuckled ," i know babe i was just hoping you'd come with me so i wouldn't be bored so i probably won't be there long anyway.

Alright but you better call me if something comes up. Alright i love you Jacky. I love you to colly." With a quick kiss i grabbed my keys from his dresser then bounded down the stairs out the door and to my impala.


Pulling up to Zacarys parents house i could feel the bass of the music mixing with my pulse and rattling my windows. Yanking the keys from the ignition i did a once over in the mirror admiring my pale blue eyes probably the only atractive thing on my body before hoping from my vehicle and heading to the door past the dixie cup littered lawn feeling the bass at its max state i twisted the door heading into the never ending swarm of sweaty bodies. Immediately being handed an alcoholic beverage i shrugged and let loose taking drink after drink.

," Jacky baby i need you to *hic* come *hic* get me im totaly wasted babe. Damnit Collins im on the way how much did you drink?! Hey hey babe you remember *hic* samantha. Yea your ex what about her? I totally fucked her dude. Wha-- Collins Edward Semi you better be fucking lying. Nah man i totally had her scre-- just save it and get in the damn car semi."

Looking over in his drunkin state Collins cheerily waved at his enraged lover unknowing of the things he confessed. Jackeline drove silently listening to the the very drunk boy spew nonsense.

He disagreed with everything the boy has said being that it has ended their relationship. The boy goes on and on about various exs until Jackeline had become overcome with anger loosing his cool facade for the sake that the boy next to him seems to be competely gone with the wind.

," fuck collin shut the fuck up do you not know who your talking to right now?" Collins looked to be actually thinking about it and like a lightbulb his face lit up before he uttered ," santa". The boy whipped his head towards the boy to yell making him fail to notice the red light he'd ran or the on coming semi truck and also failed to notice his undone seat belt alas it was to late to do anything as the truck had already collided with the vehicle.

,"Oooww man what the fuck Jacky." Collins woke to paramedics prodding at his left leg that seemed to be broken but that was to the least of his worries he just wanted to find Jacky and make sure he was ok and explain to him how he was so sorry for all he had done at that party. ," wheres jacky? The curly haired boy?" Asked the paramedic to tired to fight he nodded

," hes over there but he's in alot more of a bad state than you are son." No tbeing able to walk i dragged my body to his pushing the medics away. he layed still as death but the slow raising and lowering of his chest spurred my hope of him being okay ," Jacky baby im so sorry baby i love you ok baby i love you so much and as soon as we're out of the hospital im gonna buy you all the damn ice cream you can eat and watch every stupid episode of doctor who with you thats a fucking promise baby just open your eyes baby let me see thoes beautiful chocolaty eyes i fell in love with."

They did indeed open but closed as fast as they did open right after the curly haired boy spoke his undying love for the other ," its ok colly you made a mistake all humans do i forgive you and love you so much." Then he went silent eyes still pearing into the bigger boys eyed The curly haired boy died in the others arm crushing the boy completely.

," no no no no no baby wake up your ok your ok we're gonna be ok remember my promise im gonna fucking make it just wake up," the curly haired boy was then taken from the boy and put in a body bag while he himself was also taken not in a body bag but might as well cause both boys died that night. What was left of the boy who went on physically was a shell the all the emotion a man could muster was taken With the curly haired boy.

The bigger boy went on as a shell almost immediately after he healed he cancled all plans of attending college in his home state to be with the curly haired boy hoping on the cheapest train to anywhere leaving behind everything and everyone.

His shell lives on quite successfully yet lonely...

This is my first ever book i hope you enjoy reading it as much as i enjoy writing it.


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