Chapter One

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Dakota' P.O.V

Finally. I've landed back in LA. The past six months have dragged so much being out in England trying to further my dance career, which has succeeded as I'm now apart of a dance crew who are practising for a competition which will be taking place in a few weeks time out here in LA. That's really the main reason I've came home, as well as to see my family but everyone's flying over at the end of the week so I won't have much time with my family anyway.

I make my way to the luggage claim, each suitcase passing me different to the one before until I spot mine. I manage to pull it off and start making my way out the airport. As I walk outside I stop and look around trying to find my parents, they did say they'd be here to pick me up.

'Dakota!' I spin round and see my Mum running over to me, I drop my suitcase as I get embraced into her arms. 'Oh my god, I've missed you so much'

'I've missed you too Mum' I laugh. She pulls away and looks at me, her eyes filling up with tears.

'My baby's all grown up' She sniffles causing my to giggle. I watch as my Dad walks up beside her and gives me a warm smile before also pulling me into a hug.

'Six months is too long Dakota' He sighs and then picks up my suitcase as we walk to the car. I open the passenger door, climb in and out my seatbelt on.

'So, tell us what it's like out there lovely' My Mum grins.

I tell them all about my dance crew and all about the competitions we've entered and won. I tell them all about London and how they should fly out to see me when I go back.

'The boys have really missed you as well but we decided to tell them you're coming home next weekend so you can surprise them today' My Dad tells me.

By boys he means Beau, Daniel, Luke, Jai and James. Basically nearly two years ago they moved in next door to us and instantly we all clicked. We literally spent everyday with each other until I left. I've only really kept in contact with Beau, Daniel and James since I've been gone as just before I left Luke decided to tell me how he felt about me but with me leaving for six months I didn't want to put myself or him in that position of being in a long distance relationship which apparently upset him and Jai being his twin and seeing Luke upset, you get the point.

Before I know it we're pulling into the drive. The car stops and I undo my seatbelt and get out the car, my Dad takes my suitcase again and I run into the house.

'Scooby!' I shout, I hear paws hitting the floor as Scooby comes round the corner sliding on the laminate floor and starts barking as he sees me. I crouch down as he jumps up and knocks me onto my arse. 'Yes, I've missed you boy' I say while stroking him repeatedly.

'Hun, the boys have just got home if you want to go see them' My Mum shouts, I stand up and take a look at myself in the mirror. My hairs in a messy bun so I take it out and give it a quick ruffle and brush my fingers through it. I shout to my Mum and Dad telling them I'll be back soon before leaving the house.

I make my way up the the all to familiar driveway and stop in front of the door. I take a deep breath and knock on the door. Why am I nervous?.

Suddenly the door opens and Beau stands in front of me with a confused look on his face and wide eyes.

'Holy shit Kota!' He exclaims pulling me into a tight hug. I wrap my arms round his neck as my eyes start filling up. 'What're you doing here? Your Mum and Dad said you weren't home till next weekend holy shit'

'They thought I would want to surprise you all' I tell him pulling away from the hug and smiling. He grabs my by the top of my arm and pulls me inside.

'Well you did fucking surprise me!' He laughs.

'Who is it Beau?' I hear James shout causing my smile to get wider. Beau pulls me into the front room and suddenly I get tackled by Daniel.

'Kota!' He screams. I also scream as I hit the the couch and start laughing uncontrollably. James joins in with the hug which means me being squished into the couch.

'You little bitch, you've been gone for six months straight!' Daniel shouts standing up.

'I know, I would've came home sooner but I've been practising for competitions and shit' I explain and he just nods.

'Jai and Luke are outside, I'm surprised they haven't heard us actually' James shrugs.

'We heard' I look up and see Jai and Luke with a girl. 'Kota this is Kiana, Kiana this is Dakota' Jai introduces me to the girl who's stood next to Luke.

'I'm Luke's girlfriend' She giggles. I stand up and straighten my top out.

'Oh right, well it's lovely to meet you' I smile.

Jai walks over and gives me a hug, followed by Luke who just gives me an awkward smile and a quick hug.

'Haven't grown have you midget' James laughs standing next to me. I look up at him and scowl.

'Maybe you've just gotten taller' I say sitting down.

'So how's life been In England?' Daniel asks me.

'It's been great actually, cold like but I don't know, I've been really enjoying it out there and I've met so many new people and we have a competition out here in a few weeks time you's can come watch if you's want to like' I explain.

'Of course we'll come watch dipshit' Beau laughs. I smile and turn to Kiana and Luke.

'So, how long have you's been together?' I ask giving Kiana a smile.

'Five and a half months' Kiana answers. 'Did you meet anyone in England?'

'I went on a few dates but I wanted to focus on dancing' I answer. Five and a half months they've been together? Didn't take Luke that long to get over me then...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2015 ⏰

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