1: New day, New Beginnings

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"Please tell me your not wearing that to school." my mom complained blocking me from exiting the door. I simply rolled my eyes and huffed crossing my arms over my chest. "Mom it's fine, besides it's in style." I stated annoyance evident in my voice. She merely laughed at my annoyed tone. "It's 10 degrees out Claire, you wouldn't make it a minute without getting hypothermia. Go and change into something where I can't see your legs." she countered. I groaned stomping my way upstairs and into my bedroom. It was classy, not much like your average 17 year old girl's room. There were a few posters on the wall but not many, a small desk in front of the window, and my purple swirled bed in the corner of the room. Lights hung from the top of the bed with a few pictures of my friends on the side. I continued my journey to my closet and picked out some skinny jeans and a white tee shirt to go with. I quickly grabbed my coat and ran down stairs to show my mom.
"Better?" I questioned an amused smile on my face.
"Better." My mom smirked pushing me out the door. "Your going to be late." she laughed giving me a peck on the cheek. I quickly hopped into the small Black car before waving goodbye to my mom. "Love you." I screamed.
"Love you more." She screamed back. I smiled and drove to my school, parking in the usual spot. I sighed taking the keys out and shoving them in to my backpack, Locking the car before getting out. I continuously heard remarks about something on the news which I missed and my mom said nothing about, probably trying not to worry me. But the more I walked the more I heard, things like.
"Did you hear the news?"
"What! No way."
"It's horrible. What if it spreads?"
I chose to ignore the side conversations and walked to my locker.
"Hey Claire!" Lacy shouted running my way. "Have you heard the news." she asked worry plastered on her face.
"No I missed it what happened?" I asked stuffing books into my backpack.
"It's bad, the government can't control it and what's even worse is it's spreading fast! It turns you into a monster Claire!! A fucking monster!
You can't control anything...an-and y-you umm..... Uh." she rushed, stuttering on her last few words.
"Woah calm down, you what? What's spreading?" I questioned confusion laced in my voice.
"Some type of virus I don't know the details...." She paused trying to compose herself.
"During the virus y-you." she stopped closing her eyes.
"You what? Lacy! Lacy answer." I yelled grabbing her shoulders. She opened her eyes tears running down her swollen cheeks.
"You eat people."

•that's the first chapter guys•
I hoped you liked it and I can't wait for people to read this!!! I know it is very short but I wanted to leave a good cliffhanger because I'm just that person. Anyway, this is my first actual story and I am super excited so plz vote and comment what you think so far. Seems as if the virus is really bad people eating each other kinda a zombie apocalypse but later in the book I'm going to put my own spin on it you will soon see

Until the next update

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