6: Help.

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I woke up peacefully, although I woke up alone. I knew James had to wake up early for his morning watch, but I couldn't help to be disappointed.

Our small camp was running out of food supply and a majority of the runners refused to go considering the sick began to run.

The thought alone scared me, I knew I could out run them if they walked but now they started running.

I had to get food and water for these people otherwise they would die. Being alone in my room gave me time to think and I knew what I had to do, I had to go.

I haven't been outside this fence for over a week mostly because the other runners were willing to go themselves that was until one of our own got killed, Mason. It wouldn't have been such a big deal if the sick walked but one of the runners that was with Mason, was killed by a sick only the sick didn't walk it ran

I pulled my body out of bed and wore leggings and a hoodie. I pulled my hair up and grabbed my backpack pulling it over my shoulder.

I locked my door behind me making sure my key was with me and walked toward the gate.

I walked down a hall and turned toward the main entrance to the school.

I was blinded by the sun. The cold wind freezing me in my tracks. Groups of people were socializing in circles. Some of the younger kids drew pictures on the ground with chalk. I saw James on top of the fence talking to another guard.

I watched him as he would smile sometimes, and laugh at God knows what.

I felt a tap on my shoulder bringing me out of my trance. I turned around only to be met with the runner that mason was with.

"Hey" he said nervousness itched throughout his voice.

"Hey" I responded back almost like a question. He laughed shuffling his feet.

"Are you- umm are you going on a run?" He asked forcing his lips into a smile.

His hand reached up to tug on his blond hair which was pulled down in bangs, not long enough to cover his eyes. He was fit, much like James, although he was a lot taller. His eyes were hazel and his teeth were slightly crooked on the bottom but not to much to were braces could be needed. He wore a blue hoodie and a black pair of track pants with two white stripes on the sides followed my Nike tennis shoes. I smiled back before responding.

"Yeah, people are starving and if there is no one willing to do it, I guess I will"  I answered while I bite my lip looking down at my feet a new wave of nervousness coming over me.

"What's your name?" I looked up at his question, confused with the sudden mood change.

"Claire" I answered swiftly holding out my hand only for him to shake it in return.

"Well Claire, do you mind if I come with you, I would hate for you to go alone" I thought about the proposition for a moment.

I would much rather go alone, I preferred it that way. However he knew how the running sick worked and unfortunately I didn't. I nodded my head motioning for him to walk with me. He smiled in return walking next to me.

It was a few seconds of awkward silence walking to the gate before I realized I never learned his name.

I faced him, still walking, him doing the same.

"I never learned your name." His smile never faded and he only laughed before he answered.

"It's Keegan" I smiled at the name I had to admit it fit him perfectly.

As we got closer to the gate guards showed up around us asking what we were doing and many other questions regarding our departure.

I was happy to say the least that James didn't see. It's not like I don't like him believe me I do, but I don't think I could handle the drama. I felt bad for saying that, I hardly knew either of them and I couldn't judge them so soon but I didn't want to take the chance.

As me and Keegan made out way through the gate and out into the world, fear overflowed my body.

We passed a few of the sick, the ones that can't run and I was relived after we killed them.

"Look" I whispered pointing to a gas station. We made our way quickly inside.



After securing the place we searched far to long and the only thing that came around was empty soda cans and a pack of cigarettes. All of which we ignored.

Building after building there was nothing. To say we were disappointed was an understatement.

"One more store, we have to find food Claire." I nodded in response because he was more than right.

I don't know how much longer we could last without food.

After another hour journey of walking and a few slow sick killed, we found a grocery store.

Again we cleared the place and began searching.

"Nothing!" I screamed throwing a beer bottle at the ground.

"Wait" Keegan said pointing to the back of the store. I followed closely behind, getting my knife positioned properly. 

Keegan knocked on the door waited a few second before opening it to selves and selves of food.

"YES!!!" I screamed jumping up and down before hugging Keegan tightly.

"We have to hurry" he laughed a smirk plastered on his face.

As we grabbed all the supplies, it was nearly dark.

"Shit! How far away are we from camp?" Keegan exclaimed. Worry etched on his face.

"About 45 minutes. Why?"  I calmly responded

I was pulled to the ground behind a window in front of the store before Keegan answered.

"What the hell-" he put his hand over my mouth shushing me. He leaned into me before whispering quietly into my ear.

"Look slowly over the window don't make a sound" I did as I was told. Something was on its hands and knees. It was sniffing, low growls left its mouth as it ate the remains of a corpse we killed before we got into the store. Another sick, one that walked, slowly started to join. Only for the one that was previously eating the corpse to growl even louder. It screeched on top of its lungs grabbing the sick watching it thrash around trying to bite at whatever it could, before it ripped it in half, once again screeching. Blood flew everywhere and I quickly sat down covering my mouth trying to prevent myself from throwing up.

"What do we do?"

•they sure are in a sticky situation•
Don't u think? I would just like to        apologize for not updating I'm sorry but here it is after like so long. I promise to update at least once a week, I'll do my best anyway... Vote comment do whatever you go to do!!

           Until next time


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2016 ⏰

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