Why do you make it hard to love you(ray ray love story)

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Shore and ray ray are 4 years old and they are bestfriends.Rays mom and shores mom were the best of friends when they were in middle school and planned out there life together.Ray and shore do alot together even if its random stuff like making paper planes and throwing them out the window.They both know when one another are upset or anything like that.They stay together like glue on paper but its only a matter of time when ray and his mom has to move away.

(Story mode)

shore: huwwy up rway the movwie is about to start

ray runs in the living room with the popcorn spilling on the floor


shore:just cwome on rway

ray:(sits next to her and gasp)is thwis our favworite mwovie???

shore:yup...(scary vioce)The swcary tails of the hidwen swamp monstwer

ray:wwoowww even thwo we watched thwis movwie a million twimes it still scwares me(laughs)

The movie started and after a while the scary part came on when the swamp monster takes the lady underwater with him,while they were cuddling up getting ready to get scared there parents came in without them noticing

shores mom:(whispering)emily...you thinking wat im thinking

rays mom:(whispers)yup

shores mom:on the count of three???

rays mom:one..

shores mom:two

rays mom:THREE

t.v/there patents:GRRRRRRRR

ray and shore:(jumps) AHHHHHHH

rays mom:(cracking up)we got em good jay(high fives her)

ray:(looks back) heyyyy dont scware us like that mommy

shore:yea mommy where jwust little kwids


emily/rays mom:ard ray its time to go home,say goodnight to shore

ray:aww man cwan i atleast spwend thwe night with her ma??

emily:ask jay

ray:ok...jay can i spend the night with shore plz

jay:its fine with me

shore&ray:YAYYY(hugs eachother)

jay:but yall gotta get washed and go to bed now

ray:awww man

They get washed up and go and lay in the bed with only the purple lava lamp on,ray was looking at her beautiful hazelish grayish eyes while the moon shined on them

ray:i never really noticed your pretty eye color shore

shore:really??....my eyes have always been this color rway

ray:wow...i love it

shore:thanks,you know that boy julian rite


shore:when we were in class having show and tell he whispered in my ear"i like you shore".

ray:(sits up fast)wat!??

shore:shhhh rway my mom and dad are sleep

ray:sowwe but he cant like you shore

shore:why not rway

ray:cuz s-someone else l-likes you shore

shore:wow who

ray:.....m-m-me shore...i like you


ray:yes...do you want to be my girlfriend

shore:i dont think my dad would be to fond about that rway

ray:its ok...they dont have to know shore..i really like you,in fact i lwove you

shore:.....ok ill be your girlfriend rway

ray:yayyyy....night shore

shore:night rway

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