Im in big trouble!!!

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Alex pov

Shore and ray have been acting weird lately,they think i dont know they go not upset but i mad she didnt tell me....i mean come on there young and they're bestfriends,me and jay we're the same way when we we're younger but why didnt she tell me

shore:come on rway lets get om the trampolean in the backyard(grabs his hand)

ray:ok come on

*they run to the backyard and shut the door*

me:they honestly think i dnt know they go together

jay:its puppy love babe...calm down(kisses him)its getting late and shore has school tomar,and i have work in the mornin.(goes upstairs)

alex:...night,love you

i heard shore and ray laughing and stuff,so i went out there

me:sorry to ruin the fun but you guys have school tomar and yalp need to go to bed

ray:wait my mom said i could sway the night??

alex:yea,now come on,bed time

*they all walk upstairs and the kids wash up*

alex:alright....goodnight babygirl,night ray.(walks out)


me and rway got in bed and turned off the lights only leaving the lava lamp on once again

me:rway i think im in big trouble


me:my dad knows we go out

ray:uh oh......i hope i wake up will all mh body parts perfectly in tact

me:ill pray for you ray

(next day)

me and ray woke up making sure body parts werent ruined and they were fine

ray:phew(wipes off head)

me:your lucky rway

mom:(comes in room all dressed up)good you guys are woke,get dressed and alex will drop you off ok

me:wait mommy where you going

mom:to work baby...when you come home from school ill be here with your dinner made ok(kisses me and rays cheeks)be.good in school alright

me&ray:yes mommy

she leaves out and we get dressed,waiting for my dad to hurry up

dad:you guys ready

me:we've been waiting forever daddy

dad:ard come on guys

We get in the car and ride to school quietly

Dad:you guys are really quiet...wats wrong??

me:nun....just tired rite rway


dad:you guys arent hiding anything from me are you(looks at us through mirror)

me:(looks at ray)umm no why

dad:..i know you ghys go together(laughs)its cute

ray:well i really lwike shore so i asked her out and she said yes

me:so your not mad daddy

Dad:of course not,its puppy love no biggy

we hopped out the and ran in the school

me:i told you he knows

ray:well he said he wasnt mad so i guess we're safe(hugs me)im glad we still living(laughs) too,come on lets go to class

ray:but class dosent start for another hour shore

shore:i know but todays our last day of school and i wanna spend time with ms katie

ray:oh yea next year we're goona be in kindergarten(does happy dance)

shore:and today is move up day for us,ms katie said we're having a party

ray:come on then

*they race down the hall to the class and saw there teacher ms katie*

ray&shore:hi ms katieeeee

Ms.katie:(turns around)hi my love bugs(hugs them both) why you guys here so early,class dosent start for another hour babes

shore:well since its the day of school we wanted to spend as much as time as we could with you since you wont be our teacher next year

ms.katie:awww i love you guys so much but i am gonna be your teacher next year...principal matthews is moving me up to be the teacher of kindergarten now

ray&shore:yayyyyyyy!!!!(hugs her again)

Ms.katie:(laughs)well since you guys are here, can you help me set the table up before class starts


shore:okkie dokkie

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