Chapter 1

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I sip on my hot chocolate trying to blend in with the humans, I know it's no use they will smell me as soon as they walk in the door. The café is buzzing with life, it's why I come here every morning I have to hide my scent somehow. My wolf doesn't like the company I keep, choosing humans over our own kind, werewolves. She whines in my head making me flinch as I scan the room for danger but all I see are teens on laptops and chatting to each other.
What is going on with you today? I ask my wolf aurora, she doesn't answer me instead I hear male voices outside the café.
I freeze replaying the escape routes like the window in the bathroom that i checked for earlier. I abruptly stand careful not to scrape the chair against the floor as I calmly grab my bag and head to the bathroom, leaving my hot chocolate on the table. I squeeze by the humans trying to keep as much space between me and the door as possible, I can smell them and I know they can smell me.
I'm not suppose to be here, trespassing and if I was caught it would not be good. I've been on the run for 7 years ever since I was 11 and I've only been caught once before. scars that cover most of my back taught me to not get caught again.
I never wanted to be this way, I wanted parents and maybe one day have a mate and pups, I don't want to keep running but I fear that he's looking for me.
My pack was attacked, I remember waking up to my mother barging into my room and telling me to hide, we had an old house so I could easily hide between the walls. I could smell her fear as the doors broke down and 2 men filled the doorway, as I watched through the cracks in the walls I watched my mother get tore apart in front of me. The thing I will always remember is one of the men who was clearly the alpha with yellow teeth and messy black hair, the long scar that went from his forehead to his chin stretched as he grinned at the wall, he knew I was there. The grin didn't leave his face until he was out the door. I left the house when I could no longer hear the screams of my packmates and the snarls of the rouges, no one else came in my room and I've been on the run ever since.

I hope you guys enjoy! I know it's a short chapter but In the next it will be longer. If you see any mistakes please point them out, thanks.

Hope you guys like the new story!

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