Chapter 2

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I shoved my bag through the bathroom window keeping my ears open and smelling the air every few seconds, I know I probably won't get out of this without a fight and I'm ready for it but I would rather just escape.
I squeeze my body through the small window and step on the garbage that's below me. I test the air and make sure that the breeze won't carry my smell over to the men.
I'm in the black wolf territory the meanest alpha who tortures wolves for fun. I wouldn't be here if I didn't have to, my best friend Avery is the only family I have left and she found her mate within this pack. I have to watch and make sure she's safe, I'll leave when I know she won't be harmed.

4 years ago
Sweat ran down my brow as I hit the punching bag in the gym, I've just started training, it helps to control my wolf when we can't go in the woods for a run.
I was so caught up with imagining the bag as the man who murdered my pack I didn't realize someone else was in the room.
"You have quite the punch there lil lady" his voice drawled in a southern accent.
I turned to see him looking me up and down, he must have liked what he saw, a grin found its way on his face and he started to come closer. He smelled of cigarettes and Sweat. My nose scrunched up not wanting him to get closer.
"What do you want?" I glared at him, it usually worked when I got unwanted attention from guys.
He didn't back down. Now much closer I took a couple steps back as my wolf sensed danger and started to snarl and snap her jaw.
"What's a pretty thing like you doing out so late? Oh well it must be my lucky day." A chuckle echoed through the gym. He lunged and unsure what to do, I screamed, I didn't know how to fight so as his fist connected with my face and his hands gripped my arms I screamed, my face throbbing and sore as I started to see spots.
The last thing I remember is a girl my age standing behind the guy swinging the bat at his head.
I opened my eyes to see the strange looking girl with purple hair standing over me.
"Don't get up, you hit your head when you fell. What are you doing out of your pack pup?" She asked even though we were the same age.
With no reply from me she stuck out her hand
"Names Avery, Avery Becken" her white teeth stood out from the darkness of the alley we were in.
Wait, Alley? "where are we?" I groan and clutch my head as I sit up and lean against the wall.
"I couldn't carry you much farther even for a werewolf as strong as me you're heavy." She flexes her arm making her small muscles on her arm stand out.
I couldn't help but smile
"I'm Serena, Serena Anders." I mimic her introduction.

She took me to her apartment where her brother lived with her, he taught me to fight, he was the main warrior in his old pack. Her parents died in a car accident years before so they left to live in the city, I stayed with them until her brother found his mate and moved away. When I got enough money we left and traveled.

End of flashback
I run as fast as I can on two feet while trying to be silent, my bag rattles on my back as I sprint away from the cafe.
It's dark out by the time i finally slow down, I start to walk toward the woods where i spend most of my days as a wolf. There's a small broken down cabin half an hour run from town, the town is small filled with bakeries, bookstores, coffee shops, and of course Walmart. It's a huge pack that's found near this town, the only reason I can find it is because of the heavily guarded area of wolves. The Alpha Derek is said to be one of the most feared in Canada, the only good thing about him is that he doesn't torture girls that much, he sells them. Avery I know won't be in much danger, he takes good care of his pack which is why he has so many wolves.

The cars drive by as I clutch my black coat tighter around me, the cold doesn't affect me as much as humans but that's not why I pulled my coat closer, my blade is in there and I feel someone's eyes on me.


I hope you liked it! It will get more interesting in the next couple chapters, I just want you guys to really know Serena and know why she acts like she does.


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