Stitch One : Onix

73 5 2

June, 19

"This is it,isn't it?"she asked him,her voice a soft mumble. Both of them were walking through the quiet city. The soft post light reflected a romantic eerie,but that was interrupted when he-holding her hand- let go."W-what? "He furroed one of his eyebrows. His expression a did-she-say-what-i-think-she-just-said? Her eyes we're looking straight at his.Her light grayish eyes glittered by the soft light of the setting sunset. The look in her eyes we're of pain like she already knew what was going to happen,But he lowered his glance.Yeah,she knows,she saw right through me he thought. "Don't cover it "her voice was now barely a whisper. I guess I should tell her now,he thought of all the Things that they did together. It wasn't much. A few but faint memories of a fair, a park and a few beach sites,but to him none of that was important. He was already interested in someone way better than her.I don't think she'll mind, if I leave right? His thoughts we're harsh and barely human. They stop in their tracks. He looked straight at her and bluntly told her the truth."yeah,it's over"the words that she didn't want to hear from her loved one become a realty,and worst of all his voice was dull, cold heartless.No feelings. No tone.Nothing. He looked first to the ground then to the distance.His thoughts somewhere else. But her thoughts, her feelings. Crushed.Hurt.Stabbed. Drown.Dead. The air in her lungs were dragged out."So everything that we had was nothing"her voice was dry. Her eyes watery. She had so many memories with him. Did he even felt sorry? A pint of guilt even?
And the raising question. Why? After one year and a half of sweet nothings. He takes her out to brake up? He took both of her hands. "Look,what we had did mean something " he paused by making a small smile. "But it's not important to me anymore " One.Two tears streamed down her cheeks. She was about to swipe them away but he did it for her." Okay,this is better for both of us,you'll be free and so would I. We can get on with our lives like it never happened " His words cutted deeper than any knife. "Why are you doing this?" She took her hands off of his. Her cheeks were red now of anger. "Why...onix...why?"More tears,this time warm. His expression was dumbfounded. He wasn't expecting a big dramatic scene. He was expecting a simple "okay " or "you're a jerk" and then leave. This to him was a bother. He just wanted it to be over. It was just a game. He placed his hands on his pockets. Glancing ever so slightly towards her presence. He tried to captured with his minds eye her figure one last time. Semi-short gal. Long brown hair, light grayish eyes and that cute pout that she used to do when he would tell her "no". Those times were she would cuddle when he was sad,or just not having a good day. Would he really forget those moments? "Answer me" she cuts through his thoughts. "I'm..... sorry but I've already made up my mind"Onix mumbled his sentence. She took a few breaths, placed her hands in her jacket and looked at him straight in the face, directly in the eyes." I thought you were better than this....". Her eyes not leaving, as she continued. "I fell in love with the wrong person ". He fell in shock, with the words that had stricken him. With one last look she turned to the direction of the city and walked her way back into the silent city.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2016 ⏰

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