So i have this friend.
Well she thinks we're best friends but we're not.
To be honest i secretly hate that bitch.
Reasons why? Lets see...
Reason 1. She doesn't respect any other opinions unless they're her own.
Isn't that annoying when people have literally Zero respect or care for other opinions? I thought so. See she always says "i know..." Or " i never said that" and whenever i say something she says, most of the time "i never said that you said that" and she constantly rolls her eyes. I swear someday they'll get stuck in her airbag brain.
She also never has any respect or a cup of care for my true best friend's opinions either. But whenever i'm not around it seems they have a rosy cheerful time. And when i'm there though it's like i'm the log in the mud.
No seriously, she thinks i'm always "grumpy and mad" so whenever i answer with i donut know or i don't respond because i'm obviously eating some damn ramen here. She gets mad and then ignores me for the rest of the damn day.
So its like you're her and i'm me the amazing person that i am and you are talking to me at lunch and i'm eating my pizza or ramen or whatever it is and you ask a question. I very visibly and clearly am showing a one second i'm eating sign and you just roll your eyes and think i'm ignoring you.
Maybe i should slap you silly.
Nice going bro.
Reason 2. She literally wears the same clothes every day!
Okay so this shouldn't even be here or even bother me but it does. Because theres this girl who is less fortunate in my school and cannot afford very much so she wears a lot of the same clothes. I don't blame her but i do blame my "bestie" here for wearing pants that i don't like every day.
They're blue and from like 1,000,000,000,000 years ago but she insists on wearing them anyway even though they're basically capris by now. And i donut even know why the eff this bothers me at all but it does.
I'm not saying shes poor or that i'm too good for anyone who wears the same outfit consistently but i am saying that her parents are nice enough to at least buy her clothes. And she goes on about how her parents are so cruel and they donut care about her when she has like a Macbook Air here and five beats headphones and an iPhone 6s.
But she insists on wearing the same outfit when her parents spoil her silly. Nice going bro. I mean what the eff? You cannot just barge into some random charity place and make everyone donate all their belongings and clothing articles to you.
Thats not very Chanel of you.
Reason 3. She cannot except that some of us donut care about exercise.
She is very athletic and always wants to do something athletic. One day she said she loves school so much she wants to sleepover overnight for the Summer and the next day she's like, "we're cooped up in this cage and i feel like a lazy ass" well boo hoo on your tiny butt.
Which no one shall slap by the way.
Not even a boy.
Literally her exact words whenever we are together "want to run?" Or "want to do some other random activity that includes random shit thats athletic?"
And i'm like...
Bitch please, no effing way am i going to run in my shoes where as you have your Christian Louboutins on and still manage to be running at 500 mph. I mean to be real here can she just get a grip? Some of us donut care about how much buff we get or "body points" because who gives a ramen? Not me.
I personally donut want to workout or be sporty every single day because bro, if you're some athlete from Iceland that has incredible Usain Bolt speed then go run away to Neverland and leave me the eff alone.
And gimme some sparkle dust while you're at it.
Enjoy my first rant? Hope so. Or ever more i donut give a chocolate.
Or other candy for that matter.Updates daily if possible!
Send me fan-messages! Or comments!
Thanks fellow ChapstickSkittles.
Enjoy your effing day or whatever...
Donut bother me. I'm ranting.
HumorA lot of random shit that i rant to people in my head... NOW ON PAPER! Enjoy. Or naw .... -Me.