chapter 1

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Lucy May above^

"You're pissing me off already and you only said 6 words," I say annoyed.
Where are my manners let me introduce myself I'm Lucy May Summers. I'm 25 and I'm in love with.....wait no I'm not I hate Porter with all my heart .........erm mostly true. Wait. I got it I'm in complete lust of my sworn enemy Porter Daniels. It's complicated even though whenever I'm not thinking of sleeping with him I'm thinking of killing him. We have been at each others throats since we were about 16. Our parents are fairly wealthy and tried there best to get us together so that they know we  would marry well and wealthy. Love? Who needs that. I completely refused. I refuse for anyone to tell me who to marry, who ever I marry shall be up to me. My parents own a manufacturing company. Porters parents own a car empire. I work in the Daniels corporate office because Porters parents love me and my dad and his dad are good friends. I love cars and mechanical things. The way they are constructed and built and the things these cars especially the new ones can do is amazing. To see all the parts come together to create a beautiful work of art.

Since I had just been promoted for my new job I had to move closer. I lived 5 hours away but I decided I would get an apartment for starters. My dad wasn't having it. He didn't want me living by myself or with a stranger so he did the most illfated thing and told Porter I would move in with him. I get that he worries but I'm literally an adult. "Dad are you kidding me you did WHAT!!!". I ask in shock. "Lucy May stops being so over dramatic, he is a nice boy just give him a chance". My dad said. "why didn't you ask me first so I could at least prep myself for the sure hell I will endure". I said in a sad voice. "Look I didn't tell you until now because I knew you would fight me on this and you have time to prep he will be at your apartment in 2 hours so have all your stuff together. Ohh and please try to be nice Lucy May will ya. I have to go bye hun." My dad said as he hung up. I hung up and layed my phone on the counter next to my purse. I took a shower and put on shorts and a white tank top, then put my hair in a messy bun. As I was bending down closing my last suit case I hear " Damn you still have an amazing ass". says Porter. Which brings me to what I said in the begining. "you're pissing me off and you only said 6 words". I say in clear annoyance. "Sweetie is that anyway to talk to your best friend and new roommate"? "look we arent bestfriends I will give you friends even though I want to kill you 100% of the time. So take these two suit cases to the car now so we can go". We were kind of bestfriends, but I would never admit it. When he wasn't trying to get in my pants or shagging some random women he was a pretty good guy and listener. With that I grabed the last suit case, my phone, and purse then leave the apartment. After we loaded my stuff in I get in the car and then for the first time today stop and look at him. His hair was messed up in a hot sexy way, you could see his muscler arms in his tank top, and he had on Shorts. Damn he is fine "sweetie your drooling, I know I'm sexy but theres no need to stare". He said cockily. "don't flatter yourself, you are not worth me staring at ". I say. We all know thats a damn lie. "Says the girl who was drooling. When ever you decided to admit you want me, well just let me know. Because I really want you". He purred putting his hand on my thigh and I was about to lose it. Ohh my God did he really just say he wanted me. What do I do? I want him so bad. If I let my hormones have their way I wouldn't have made it where I am today . "Is that so. Look here little boy you will never get this so you can take your hand and shove it'". I spit back. "we will see". He says with a chuckle. For the whole 5 hour drive there was so much sexual tension it was ridiculous.

When we get to Porters house it's super big and nice not what I expected. "Come on. I will give you a tour". He says in a tried voice. As we walked around I was in awe the house was beautiful. To bad I had no intent on staying very long maybe a couple months to learn the area then move on my own. "Sweetie this is your room". It was beige and light blue with lovely furniture. "Its lovely" I say in an excited voice. "Where is your room"? I ask being nosey. "Its 2 doors down, here let me show you since its were you will spend most of your time". He said winking at me making me blush lightly. "Your so vulgar smh". I say. Porter opens two doors and we walk into his room. It's huge it really likes the size of a penthouse." damn your room is huge"! "yep just like me". He said with a smirk."Ewww you're gross". I say in shock that he had just said that. I run to jump on his like double king sized bed but was stop right before was about to jump. "ohhh no your not about to mess up my bed" he said. I turn around so I am facing to chest with his large 6'4 frame and mesmerizing green eyes. I push him and say, "I do as I please. And if I want to be on yourrrrrr bed that's where I will be". I climb on his bed, take off my shoes and stretch out. " you are sexy when you get bossy and take charge". I just look at him and roll my eyes. "Sweetie move your ass out the way so I can lay down". He Said. "no you can't sleep in my bed or better yet on the floor". I say with a smile. "Fine don't move I will just get on top of you, we both know I've been waiting to do that". He said with a sly smile. He got on the bed and just before he got to close to me I rolled over.

"Wait what are you doing"? I ask in shock as my mine wonders into dirty thinking. "I'm taking off my shirt I don't sleep in one". He said. Damn he was hot, nice tanned body and nice abs. Then he comes closer to me."Stay over there". I say in a shaky voice. "Why you can't handle this"? He said with a raised eyebrow. "No, I can't not tonight I'm too tired". I say in a defeated voice. He pats the spot next to him and I just give up and laid next to him like old times. He puts his arm around my waist and whispers in my ear "This won't be the last time you give in to me". My body tensed up and I felt him chuckling. Only god knows the things I want to do to him, but I refuse to let my lady parts control me. I finally relaxed and drifted off to sleep. In the morning, I woke up and tried to get up but I couldn't move. I looked down to see his arm still wrapped around me, being in his arms was like the safest feeling ever. "Ugh Porter move your giant arm". I say in a low voice. "Lollipop why are you up at this ungodly hour its Sunday". I heard him say in a deep husky voice. " It's 11:00 am it is not ungodly and move I have to pee". He moved his arm and I got up. I went in my room and got some clothes to change into after my shower.

I put on my yoga pants and an off the shoulder shirt. After I got dressed I went back into Porters room and he was still in the bed. I climb on the bed and bounce up and down to annoy him. "Porter wake up I'm hungry"? "Then go cook something". He said in annoyance. "Porter you have known me for 8 years I'm not the best cook". I say in a duh voice. He puts the pillow over his head so I grab it and throw it off the bed. He tries to turn over, but I stop him and straddled him with a knee on either side of him. He finally looks up at me with a raised eyebrow. "bad move hun". He said as he flipped us over. I mentally slap myself for not thinking that through. " get off of me". I yell. "Sweetie we both know you don't want me to do that, and you wanted me to get up so you got what you wanted". He said in a husky voice. I decided to have a little teasing fun and I ran my fingers through his hair and pulled him towards me until are lips were almost touching and said "get off of me and make me food before I knee you in your balls and make this hell for you". With that, I kissed him on the cheek and pushed him off of me and walked out the room. I go in my room and watch Mob wives. It's old I know. I don't know why but I love it and right after bad girls club!!!! One hour passed and in walks a shirtless Porter with a plate of food and apple juice. I am like addicted to apple juice I might even kill over it who knows. "what is this Lunch at chippendales". I say with a raised eyebrow. "its what ever you want I will gladly strip for you". He said with a smirk. I took my food from him and he sat on the couch with me while I ate and watched bad girls club. After I was done I asked, "what are we doing today"? "We can definently fuck". He said being serious. "Porter is that all you think about? I was thinking something that didnt have to do with us touch or fucking. So how about massages". "yes thats all I think about, and you want to take me to get a massage. Are u sure you're okay with another woman feeling your man up"? "you are not my man and no I'm not gonna get jealous with all the hoes you have been with jealousy is never a choice". " Sweetie lets not forget Senior year when you were jealous of my girlfriend Katie". "First of all, I was never jealous of her STD carrying ass. I just bitch slapped her because she was talking shit on both of us, and especially you so I shut her up. Ohh and for the record you were fuck buddies, not a couple". "so you were standing up for me? I could have swarn you hated me?" " I did hate you and I still do but, no one talks shit on you but me, I run this shit, not that ugly ass hoe", "you're totally in love with me". He said with a confident smile. "Boy, you obviously dont know the difference between lust, love, and hate. I hate you. And I guess I....... What im about to say I know im going to regret it. I guess your kinda hot I'm not gonna lie, but you have your head so far up your ass that thats all you will ever be. So come on so we can go, ohh put a shirt on will ya". I say grabbing my purse. We go to the garage and he has like 10 cars. But I see a slick black motorcylce in the back. "can we take the motorcycle plez". I ask begging. I look up at him bitting my lip waiting for an answer and he said "Okay okay, how does that always work I swear I always give in". I was so happy I gave him a hug ,and climb on the back of his 2006 MV Agusta F4 CC ($135,000) lots of power, 315 km/h (195 mph) topspeed, the fourth most expensive motorbike in the world is the MV Agusta F4 CC created by Claudio Castiglioni, the motorcycle company's director. He wanted to create a spectacular motorcycle that met strategic marketing needs while also being something truly special and unique. A work of genius.

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