Introduction .

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Hey good people
I'm new here so feel free to point out mistakes
So I don't exactly have the idea of the plot but I hope I will write it in a way you will love
I'm a beginner at this writing thing
And I'm 16
I got inspired by many many writers over here
So a story line and a title came in my mind
Warning:the story is not copy able and if anyone wanted to copy I WILL HUNT YOU DOWN.
Another warning: the story might contain explicit scenes and mild and slang language so please be careful
Well I wont write anything too deep
Cuz I ermm feel yuckkkkk type.
So yeah! Enjoy good people!
Oh and the story will be on both POVs and I will start from the guy's pov.

Maybe I'm perfect for you.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora