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Here I am on a plane to mulligar...

why you may ask...



"sabrina can you come here please" my father asked from down stairs to our massive house.

"coming" i replied whilst running down the stairs to see what my father wants.

"i have a surprise for you" my dad had said once i had made it into the lounge room.

"which is??" i asked as nicely as possible because right now this secrecy was annoying me to death.

"your moving to mulligar with you mother, because i got a new job in australia and you still need someone looking after you and i cant do it because ill be working crazy hours" you see my dads a doctor and he always has to work at night so i never get to see him because im still at school. im a senior.

"WHAT?!?!?!" i yelled, i dont want to move i love living here, why because im popular and if i move to ireland ill lose everything.

"your moving to ireland with your mum and 2 brothers." he answered

"i have a brother, let alone 2!" i said, how could someone not tell you that you had brothers.

"yes, and your leaving in 1 week." he said getting annoyed. it kinda sounded like he didnt want me here, "now go to your room and start packing theres boxes in the hallway"

i stormed up stairs without saying anything else. how could he do this to me and in senior year too. i hate him. HATE him.


so thats how im on a plane to go live with my mum because my dad didnt want me.

i've been on this plan for about 5 hours and im so bored because most people know there's not much you can do on a plane because your restricted. all i've done is sleep, eat, listen to music and watch movies and read. this has to be the wrost flight because the little girl next to me and her sister wont stop talking about one direction and i have to say i hate one direction i use to like them, but they've become to big and become stuck up celebrities and i hate celebs like that because all they think about is themselves.

"good afternoon, we will be landing in 5 minutes. make sure that your seats are up right and your trays are tucked away and all digital items are turned off, thankyou for flying with british and irish airlines i hope you have a wonderful stay in ireland. hope you fly again with us soon." this is what i wake up too. WOW times flies when you sleep. anyway, i waited til everyone was off until i got up and got my carry-on and made my way to the exit of the plane where my new life would begin.

as soon as i got of the plane and into the airport again i saw a mid 30s lady holding a sign which happened to have my name on it. AMELIA. i completely forgot to introduce myself so i will do that after i get introduced to my 'mother' who i havent seen in 7 years after her and my father divorced and ever since than dad and i's relationsip isnt the same. lets just say i use to be a daddy's girl.

i walked up to Maura aka my mum.

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