Day One

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     My days as a living cat were over.   I had left the other world behind just a few seconds ago, and I was already feeling better than ever.  I was still the same black, orange,and white cat i was a few seconds ago, but I had transformed into the cat I had been years ago.  I stretched out my tiny paws and wiggled my tail to get a feel for my newborn body.  I tried to look around, but my eyes were practically glued shut, and I knew it would take a couple of days before they would open.

     I was happy to leave my old world behind, but I was also downcast.  It was great to be in this new able body, and not in my 17 year-old aching, dying body. 

     I had passed into this world due to congestive heart-failure in a veterinarian's clinic.  My family had been surrounding me as I let fate bring me to this mysterious place I was in right now.  Mom, Dad, Theresa, and Jacob had all been there.  Theresa had grasped me as I went, sobbing, and though I urged her to let it be, she just sobbed harder and harder.  As my pulse grew slower, the whole room became completely silent except for the sound of of poor Theresa's sobbing.  She was only 5 years-old and I had been with her almost every single day of her life. 

     I had known that this day would be different the second I woke up.  I had not been comlpetely sure what was going to happen, but I had my suspicions, for my health grew worse with each passing day.  So just in case it was going to be the day, I took the time to study the house, so I could cherish all of my wonderful memories. 

      I had roamed around the 2-story house for hours before I collapsed.  I was shocked and frightened.  I mewed frantically from under the table in the dining room for someone to hear me.  Mom came around in a few minutes, and she dropped her plate when she saw me.  My meow had grown weaker and she could tell something was seriously wrong with me.  She picked me up gently and ran to the car while yelling to the others that I was in trouble.  Jeremy, Theresa, and Dad met us in the car and we drove off to the vet.


     I tried out the abilities of my tiny body, but I couldn't do much becuase I was so weak.  I could tell that I was in a place with a lot of light, but I couldn't tell if anything was around me.  I heard no one, I smelled no one, and I felt nothing.  I cautiously walked around for a few minutes, but I bumped into nothing and the ground was flat wherever I went.  Even though I had no idea where I was, I felt relaxed, and calm inside.  I almost felt like I was floating and some of the sadness of the old world began to leave. 

     I sat motionless for a long time and still no sound, smell, or shadow came my way.  I began to grow very tired, for my kitten body didn't hold much strength.  My mind also grew tired, for all this nothing was becoming almost unbearable, yet it had been soothing at the same time.  After thinking about this place and these feelings, my mind grew numb, and it seemed falling asleep would be inevitable any second. 

     I was right, no less than a minute later, I fell asleep.


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