Chapter 1

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Emma Irwin

"Stop it! Calum!" I screamed and laughed histerically on the floor as Calum tickled my body in every possible way. I twisted and turned and kicked around but still I couldn't get loose from his torturous tickle. My scream was loud enough for everyone to hear but they knew it was just me and Calum messing around. He was my best friend, my only best friend, ever since we met each other in fourth grade. I don't know why but we just cliqued right away. I mean, he's so understanding and caring but could also be annoying sometimes but not in a bad way. He's always so cheeky and always messing around but I just feel comfortable around him. Like I could just tell him anything at anytime. He's always there to listen.

My brother, Ashton, was quite over protective when he first knew I was going to be best friend with a boy. He didn't like Calum much when they first met but then when I told him how comfortable I am being around him, he eventually threw away the hatred although it did take some times. Maybe he was just worried that I'd fall for Calum but I never saw Calum as more than friends. And Calum claimed the same thing to me so that's a win win situation.

"No I'm not going to let you go," Calum chuckled, "until you agreed to make me your famous milkshake."

"Oh my God, Calum!" I managed to grab his hands, holding them tight. You just had that yesterday and I'm not gonna do it again!" I replied between my giggles. My grips loosen and he started tickling me even harder. "Ok! Ok! Stop!"

He stopped abruptly and we were panting so bad and my cheeks felt like they were on fire and Calum's face looked like he had just ended a 100 meters run. He was on top of me and we were staring at each other's eyes, trying to catch our breath, before I smirked and said, "Nope."

He smiled, shook his head and was about to tickle me again when a loud honk of a truck sounded outside. Both of us turned towards my bedroom window. I pushed Calum aside and scampered to the window pane. I pulled up the shades and saw one gigantic loading truck following a red car. They stopped in front of the house next to mine which used to be empty before my parents told me that we're going to have a new neighbor.

"So that's your new neighbor you were talking about," Calum stated, falling in beside me, propping his chin on my shoulder.

"Yeah, I guess so," I mumbled in reply as I squinted to see the people in the car. I saw a silhouette of three, one woman and two men. No wait, one woman, one man and a boy. I assumed they're a family. After a while, the couple got out of the car but the boy stayed inside. I didn't know why but I was curious to see him. There were two other men who started unloading boxes from the truck.

"Luke, come help me pick up these boxes inside, would you?" the man, who I assumed was his father, called out for him, groaning as he hoisted up one big and heavy box. I wonder what's in there.

But the moment that boy 'Luke' stepped out of the car with earphone buds stuck in his ear, all my concentration was focused on him. I was stunned when he finally turned around and almost fell on my knees when he ran his fingers through his quaffed blonde hair. God, he's so tall and handsome as hell. His long thin legs and his pierced lip I could stare at him all day. His structure was perfect. More than perfect it was amazing. I was already picturing myself beside him, with me being only the height of his shoulder. He stuffed his hands inside the pocket of his muddy green sweater and he was saying something to his dad but I couldn't hear anything anymore.

All I did was stare.

Only then when Calum called my name did I realized I was gaping like an idiot. "Emma!"

"Yes. Yes, what?" I replied and closed my mouth but didn't turn around. My eyes were still fixed on Luke.

"Oh my God," Calum laughed. He went and flopped down on my bed, his legs dangling over the edge.

"What?" Now, I was facing him. "What's so funny, Calum?" His face had gone all red by now.

"Nothing. It's just that you looked funny, gaping like that. I swear you were drooling over him," and he continued laughing. I grabbed a pillow and threw it at him but he caught it just in time."Woah there tigress. Chill out. I knew you were staring at him."

"Shut up," I rolled my eyes and turned back to look out the window but he was already gone. I sighed in disappointment.

Why do I feel so attracted to him? Probably it was just because of his charming looks.

No, it wasn't.

It was more than that. There's more to him than just his endearing looks.

And I'm going to find out.

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