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Yep. Mexico. I definitely knew this was gonna happen.
"I hate this plan." I moaned. Derek was taken so we think this group of hunters in Mexico took him.

Stiles glared at me. I stuck my tongue out at him and he laughed.
We came up to a door with two guards, well they didn't look like it.

Lydia spoke in a different language while I stood there looking like complete idiot.

"When we get inside, dance. Ok?" Stiles whispered. I hummed in response. Stiles showed a card to a camera I saw and they let us inside.

You could hear the music from here, it was loud and electronic. This is dance music. The lights that were hung up on the dark red, like the colour of blood, walls were shaking.

I glanced at Lydia, who was looking at Stiles.
"Blend in, Asher" Stiles spoke. I nodded.

We slowly approached a door, and Stiles began to open it.

Lights flashed everywhere, the music pumped, a sea of bodies were grinding on eachother or doing other stuff. I waved to Stiles and went to dance.

Swaying my hips, I moved towards Malia.
"Hey, Ash" She yelled. She was dancing too. I put my arms around her as we started to dance as well, moving in time with the loud pumping music.

I looked around and saw Kira approach us.
"DANCE!" I yelled, trying to be heard over the music. She started doing ridiculous dance moves. I sighed and glared at her, people were staring.

I grabbed her hand and pulled her in, grinding and moving my body to the music. I got lost in the music, the sweaty bodies and everyone and everything.
I was disturbed by Kira whispering
"You ready?"

I looked around once more to see three people, two man one woman, surrounding us.
I nodded and grabbed the closest one, shoving him up against the wall and snapping his arm, making him howl in pain. I then slammed his head against the wall, making him pass out.

Scott gave me the thumbs up and I strolled towards him, grabbing Kira and dragging her with us. Malia came up beside Scott and we were ready to go.

We made it into the hallway, and looked around. No one. Scott pointed at smoke coming out. Then I smelt it.
Wolfsbane and Vervain.

I didn't stop inhaling it as I fell to the floor, my sight becoming blurry.
The last thing I saw was a woman before I passed out.

I opened my eyes to see Malia staring at me.
"What?" I growled. Everyone was in here. Except from Lydia.

"Where's Lydia?" I asked. Stiles came up to me and hugged me.
"I'm so glad you're ok." He whispered. All I did was hum In response.

I looked at Malia, who was rolling her eyes. I let go of Stiles.

"You got a problem?" I questioned. She looked at me.

"Yep, I do. Why are you hugging Stiles? He's not you're boyfriend." She snapped. I wanted to slap her.

"Um, she's my girlfriend actually." Stiles cut in, scratching his neck. He was nervous.
She glared at me and stood up.

"Wow, you two are together!" Kira yelled. I sighed and laughed.

"Not the time." I answered. I had barely finished that sentence when the door opened, and men came in, holding tasers. They got Scott and Kira.

I paced around the room, biting my lip.
"Hey, hey, calm down." Stiles cooed, holding me.

"I can hear them. They're killing Scott." I said, tears forming in my eyes.

"He'll be alright." Stiles spoke, his voice calming me.

I heard the screaming from Scott as tears began to well up in my eyes again.
"Stiles they're hurting him!" I yelled.

"Concentrate on me, on my eyes my v-" I cut him off by kissing him. He looked surprised at first then closed his eyes and enjoyed it.

I pulled back again when the door opened.
"You can go." The man said. I walked out, holding Stiles' hand.

I waited as the lady talked to Scott.
"Can I have the vampire?" She asked.
I strolled towards her.
"There's something else in you, and this will help, you're like a banshee." She whispered.

Scott stared wide-eyed at me.
"Fine. But, I haven't been bitten." I said.

"You were born with it." She answered.
"A vampire and a banshee." She whispered.
I waved and smiled at her, walking back.

"How?" Scott questioned. I shrugged.
"I don't know, she just told me im like a banshee." I answered.

"finally, someone's like me." Lydia sighed. I laughed at her.

Then a woman on a motorbike came up.

I missed her.

I was sitting in Stiles' jeep, with him driving, and me sitting next to Lydia.
"Like a banshee." Stiles murmured. And that's when we hit something.

His jeep jolted, making me lurch forwards and slam my head on Stiles' back seat.
Well, that hurt Roscoe.

I jumped out of the car, running towards the front.
"What happened?" Braden asked.
I shrugged.
"Scott, we need to go." She said, and like that, Scott was gone.

"Something hit us." Malia stated, pulling out something ugly.

An hour later, Stiles was still working on his jeep, Lydia and I standing beside him.
"Hurry up Stiles." Malia spoke. I looked at Lydia, who looked worried too. I shook my head. What is out there? And Kate's back. Wow.

I saw movement in the hill vamped off to look for it. I heard Kira yelling behind me.
I saw it, crawling away.
I attacked it.
Didn't get very far. It scratched me. That hurt.

I winced in pain, holding the place where it bit me.

I ran to Kira, surprising her apparently because she almost sliced my head off.
"It's me!" I screamed.

"What was it?" She questioned.

"Don't know. But it's big and It moves fast. And it cuts deep." I explained, gesturing to the deep wound near my stomach.

We made our way back to the jeep, me limping a little bit. Blood dripped from my body, making a splat when it landed on the floor.

I got into the jeep, wincing as the seat rubbed against my cut.
"Don't ever do that." Stiles said, like he was scolding a child.

"Do what?"

"Run off like that. I thought you were gonna leave me." Stiles trailed off.

"I'd never leave you. Any of you." I spoke.
After that, it was a comfortable silence. I stared outside the window.

Time flew by and soon, we were at the church.
Braden and Scott dragged out somebody with their head down.

I got out of the jeep and run to them.
"Is that Derek?" Malia asked.

"Kind of." Scott panted.

He pulled his head up.
Young Derek Hale.

My god, 1138 words. I'm dying

My Batman {Stiles Stilinski} (2)Where stories live. Discover now