not as bad as they say

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You wake up to the smell of sushi (which is your favorite food  because you're part cat)you turn your head to find Izaya  sitting on the chair...eating the sushi. You pout in your mind until Izaya looked over to you and sayed " What, you want some little kitty?" you  shaked your head 'yes' and he held a piece of sushi  in front of you and you opened your mouth and bit it out of his hand. "Um....okay?" he said

 "What?" you say

 "Oh you can talk." he said back

 "What? Of course  I can you idiot!" you yelled at him and he just laughed.

 "What's so funny?" you asked

 " I don't know!" he said back

 " So you're laughing for no good reason."you said, annoyed

 "Pretty much!" he yelled

  You sighed and went to the door

 "Hey where are you going?" Izaya asked

" Home" you said

" Wait you have a house?" he said

 " Do you know anything!" you yelled

 You could tell that you hurt his feelings so before you left you said 'sorry'.

 " Wait!" he said be fore you walked out the door

"What?" you said

" umm...........well  can you stay?"


"well...those guys are still out there and I don't want a little kitty girl to get hurt." those words surprised you.


"umm.........." you decided to just forget it

"fine"  you said in a dull voice

"why were you surprised?" he asked you in a very calm and soothing voice

"well...." you started off  "a lot of people tell my you're just a troublesome perverted information broker."  you said in a smooth low voice "r-really? wow I didn't think my wonderful humans would think of my in that way. is that really how I act? like a perverted creep." he said with sadness in his voice and on his face "I don't think of you like that . you helped me, so now I know they're wrong" he could tell you were telling the literal truth "really?" he said he sounded a little cheered up "yeah, I if didn't then I wouldn't bite the sushi out of your hand let alone  take it" you said cheerfully "true"




you're mine now~ Izaya x neko readerWhere stories live. Discover now